Tiny Nibbles reader Woodrant emailed me today saying, “I came across this store while walking through a shopping district in Nagoya, Japan. I immediately thought of you and snapped a picture.” How very cool. You all know I *do* like the signs with my name on them. Sometimes enough to abduct them myself.
World Horrorcon green room
Last night Thomas calls me and says, “So, did you go to that movie?” I was VIP’d to a film at the Docfest. I said, “No, I decided to stay at home and be depressed tonight.” Which was true. For a million reasons, it’s been a roller coaster of a week for me. He said,…
I got my bike back! So I rode it straight to SRL and hung out for a while. Photo by Mark Pauline.

This is great: “The London Fetish Scene Wipipedia is a on-line encyclopaedia of all things fetish and SM, it is being continually expanded and improved by the community. If you want to find out about any aspect of BDSM or alternative sexuality here is a good place to start. The Wipipedia is a project run…
Virgin sacrifice
Allow me to direct your attention to an excellent article over at SFGate today: In his never-ending, quixotic, and hilarious mission to de-douchify America, Mark Morford applies his wit and run-on sentence skilz to the topic of Christian “Purity Balls” in Christian Virgins Are Overrated. Here, he tells us of the disturbing emergent trend of…
Stencil tutorial, redux
A few posts back I played with a tutorial I found on Make to stencilize my porn images: a reader (who prefers to remain anonymous) writes in with a different tutorial, with some really cool results. Here’s what he wrote, and his gorgeous result is above. (Thanks, S!) good evening miss, (…) this is more…
Tangent: Please don’t carve an emoticon in my skull until I’m dead
A night ago I finished reading Body Brokers: Inside America’s Underground Trade in Human Remains by Annie Cheney (great companion book to Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers and Corpse: Nature, Forensics, and the Struggle to Pinpoint Time of Death). It was fascinating. In it, Cheney mentions bone retooling machines called FADAL, and describes…
The trouble with Tribbles
It’s been a while since there’s been any activity around the SRL shop (though this soon will change), so last night I really enjoyed getting a few tools out to put together my new sex toy chest. Of course, it was sold as a “storage bench” but whatever. Putting it together was a rewarding activity,…
Happy birthday to The Sex Carnival!
Sex blogs come and go, and (especially with my work at Fleshbot) I see them sprout up and disappear on a regular basis — even some really good, really popular ones go ‘poof’. But I’m ecstatic today to wish one of my favorite sex blogs Viviane’s Sex Carnival a very happy one-year anniversary; over the…
BWE 06 won an IPPY!
I won! I won! The Independent Publisher Book Awards 2006 finalists were just announced via email, and Best Women’s Erotica 2006 won the Erotica award!!! Not a runner-up! So actually, *we* won — me and all the incredibly gifted authors I worked with on the book. So now, according to my desktop stickie, “Awards are…