Okay, this is already turning out to be a hell of a month: I just got confirmation that the director from Pink and White Productions will be on the next episoide of Open Source Sex! We’ll be broadcasting in all manner of pirate-y goodness from the window of ATA here in SF; I’ll ask Shine…
Again, using MAKE for porn
This is so cool: in about five minutes I learned how to turn one of my filthy dirty pics of lesbians having sex with feet and baguettes into a stencil. I was link checking my last post and got lost on the Make blog, then found their post on how to covert images into stencils…
Last night’s Nerd Salon (Roomba Robot Cockfight) was so much fun! Scott Beale took photos that are so beautiful it kind of hurts to look at them; Eddie showed up with the Geek Entertainment TV gear and I agreed on the spot (as per usual) to do an unplanned GETV segment in which I interviewed…
Sexonomics, minus the sex work
I just read Who’s Counting: Sexonomics — Prostitutes’ Incomes (popup warning) at ABC news and my brain snapped like a rubber band. I’m going to the gym (today, definitely the punching bag) and I’ll be back after I cool off, but if anyone wants to send me comments on this, please do. I’d love to…
A naughty present from a dirty bird
Brian “Diary of a London Pigeon” wrote me, “Apart from one huge big fucking thank you for the Boing Boing plug, if you were a pigeon, I’d marry you!” The thank you note was from a few weeks ago, but the gift arrived just in time for warm weather. Thanks Brian!
Bandwidth broken, ugh!
My bandwidth account limit just shut down my Fotki photo album temporarily; did my Pink and White party photos get Slashdotted or something? Don’t fret if you want to see them; the account gets unlocked tonight at midnight, so click back later. They’re worth the wait! The last time this happened was when I posted…
Take that, you deadline
Fucking hell, I’ve been blocked for days — a week. A chapter due today that I’ve been struggling with since last week. I just sat down and wrote it — and turned that damn thing in. My pal Thomas once gave me the best advice on writers’ block: he’s so prolific I once asked him…
Thelma and Louise
Actually, it’s me and Jennifer Granick at the Power Tool Drag Races (photo by Scott Beale). She was doing safety monitor stuff, but we joked that she was hanging around the racetrack waiting for someone to hack it so she could defend their rights.
The war on contraception is really the war on sex
Contra Conception is a very chilling article in the New York Times today. Snip: “Many Christians who are active in the evolving anti-birth-control arena state frankly that what links their efforts is a religious commitment to altering the moral landscape of the country. In particular, and not to put too fine a point on it,…
Quite a night
Update, monday 8: My bandwidth account limit just shut down my Fotki photo album temporarily; don’t fret if you want to see them; the account gets unlocked tonight at midnight, so click back later. They’re worth the wait! I was invited to an unofficial party tonight by local porn company Pink and White Productions. It…