Cold rain, San Francisco morning, and a trip on the underground to Union Square — the notorious St. Francis Hotel, where the press conference for the San Francisco International Film Festival was being held; also the place where Fatty Arbuckle (allegedly) killed starlet Virginia Rappe in a violent sexual attack in 1921. This is where…
Girls, Guns and Ropes
When I went out to lunch with Thomas last week, he made me stop at his car to let me ogle, touch and generally drool over a new photo book called Girls, Guns and Ropes by Josef Botello. It’s a deadly-hot collection of his black and white photographs with sexy Texas girls wrapped up like…
Podcasting, and being podcast
In case you missed it, Open Source Sex #33 is up — and it’s on the topic of genital taste, smell and flavor (and how to change your flavas). I’ve been off the blog for a few days with a friend in town visiting from Copenhagen, which has been an excellent excuse to go look…
My best friend
Sums up the “JT Leroy” movie with a movie review to end all reviews. “In evaluating The Heart is Deceitful, the movie, I feel strongly that one should divorce the fraudster from the fraud, the ‘autobiographical’ from the ‘novel.’ Mind you, nobody wanted us to do that back when this was the deeply moving proof…
AI conversation snippets
As many of you know, I’ve been working on an artificial intelligence sex ed robot for a while. I know *nothing* about code, but jumped into it, full-on, endeavoring to take the basic open source AI files and rewrite them to be sex-positive, full of sex info, and to remove the conservative christian values instilled…
[Video] Alt Sex Fetish Robots
Shortly after writing in a previous post about the delightful combination of femaleness, machinery, pathos and lust, I found an old video (ASFR; 2001) that documents robot fetish, specifically men with female robots, from the stilted movements and sexual possibilities during mechanical failure to RealDoll‘s $6000 sex dolls and robot porn. The coolest part of…
Podcast: Open Source Sex 32
My voice is hoarse, the sex is nasty: this is how I want to see girls fuck (myself included). I could practically hear it while I was reading it, wow. Here’s the text: Quickie that turned into a not-so-quickie: “A Recent Favorite” by… me. This story is a very explicit fictionalized fantasy written as a…
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[Video] Female daredevils
I was reading COOP’s blog this morning and totally dug his hyooge post about America staying classy and Evel Knievel — though I know it was only a thinly veiled excuse for him to post this photo — and it made me think of the last time I saw a video with Knievel; really just…
Happy birthday crankypants!
Today is my friend Crankypants’ birthday; in true Crankypants form he won’t let me take him out to dinner tonight. Harumph. He works for I think the largest sex book distributor in the world, and I’d be cranky in the pants too if I did that; us sex writers are high maintenance. I’m cranky, too…