Many of you know I’ve been keeping an eye on the censorship fobiles of Boing Boing’s coverage of Secure Computing, as I explained in my “Websluts, Powered by Google” post, the language and interpretation of online censorware is determined by the people who create and run the wares. But what I didn’t anticipate is that…

I don’t blog too often about women’s rights in this space because I feel that it’s *ovbious* we’re humans, you know, like men, and should have the same rights. But much to my shock at the fact that I’m even writing this — now that abortion has become illegal in one of the United States,…

I tried to get a former employer (ahem) to do this a couple years ago (when I first saw the Tabooboo sex toy vending machines). Because even though I have access to free sex toys for review, I’d totally blow cash money on kewl toys while drunk in bars and flirting with the closest cute…

I wish my friend’s kid had liveblogged the Oscars last night: “Oh, I can’t believe it Pete!”/”He’s just burping”/”This Godzilla is much bigger than I thought it would”/”Shouldn’t you just start freaking out?”/”You want some beer?”. Just change “Pete” for “George Clooney”, and “Godzilla” for “Jon Stewart Jumps the Shark” and call it a…

It’s raining and cold, and I’m sitting in front of the TV watching the Oscars — because Jon Stewart is the host. It’s sad that he left his funny in New York; couldn’t someone who cared overnighted it to him? And sent some to the rest of everyone trying to be funny, who are so…

* First off, congratulations to the Stockroom and Steve Diet Goedde for being on The Colbert Report! In the segment “Better Meet a Founder”, Colbert interviews Ben Franklin and attempts to one-up the founder with his own groundbreaking inventions — one being a sex sling (the 4-point stand with leather swing), image from the Stockroom…

While my cohorts over at Geek Entertainment TV are (allegedly) pushing t-shirts that say “I was internet famous once” (hey, where’s mine?), it simply doesn’t compare to the internet autofellatio possibilities found at the Slut-O-Meter. This wonderfully amusing timesuck harnesses the unstoppable pimp powers of Google to determine internet sluttiness: type in the webslut’s name…

I just read this itsy-bitsy Wired article about gaming controls and sex toys. It’s funny to me that the writer states these “game-related toys” are “teledildonics“. Um, *wrong*. “Teledildonics” refers to sexual encounters via a web interface with a virtual partner. My pal qDot is quoted in it, and it all reminds me of an…

I’m crawling to the finish with the book that’s due wednesday– I also have to write the intro to Smart Girl’s Guide to Porn by the 1st… I’ll be back as ultra ultra Violet after the 1st; sorry I can’t respond to emails or calls right now. But it looks really, really good. I’m really…