Derek and Romaine yesterday; BBC today, wow. I am misquoted here. Molested by Tanya, the flag girl in my Marching Band story: check (it was sexy, she whipped and spanked me with a red rose). David Byrne at the show: check. (he saw the whole molestation!) A proper blog entry (with photos and video) is…

I’m in More Sexy Podcasts at! I’m #3 in iTunes podcasts, and Softpedia (not the Wall Street Journal) calls my podcast, Open Source Sex, “the podcast that disturbs the most”. Who is Softpeida? I just did another interview about this whole thing. I have to go get on a plane now. Yay!

It’s almost like furniture porn, but actually it’s Antiques Roadshow smut by Dante Davidson, and my thoughts on all the sex and podcasting hoo-hah: Open Source Sex 15 (MP3). I said “hoo-hah”. Heh. Okay, right now I need to pack for my trip to New York tomorrow to meet up with the Extra Action Marching…

Podcasting: Talking Dirty on Your iPod Quote: “You don’t need big breasts or big advertisers,” says Violet Blue, the host of “Open Source Sex.” “It’s the ultimate democratic tool for sex education.” Hells, yeah! I actually said that. Okay, and here’s the thing: I’m #9 in podcasts in iTunes (and totally freaking out about it),… is the rockin’ podcast resource (and what a gorgeous site — that makes all the difference in the world to me); I had the pleasure of being interviewed at their offices last wednesday for their podcast. Next week I’ll be doing a brand-new sexy podcast roundup on their site, and I’ll be featuring some…

In between Fleshbot posts and pinching myself about all the podcast attention I’m getting today, I did a little craft project: I pimped out my iPod Shuffle. With one of those little “Bling It!” kits from Amazon (marketed to teens for use on cell phones), I sat with a small pair of scissors and applied…

Now Playing on Apple’s iTunes: Adult-Oriented Podcasts Wow! Freaking out while posting to Fleshbot today… * Update: I had no idea I was in the print verison, too! I totally started hyperventilating in the coffee shop an hour ago when I saw my color photo on the front of the “Marketplace” section…

Today my column for SFist: Every Inch Counts (about a seriously revolutionary sex toy material) and an interview with Newsweek (!!!next week’s issue!!!), yesterday I did an interview at the very cool offices for their podcast (more on that soon), and tomorrow I take over Fleshbot for a day of grrrl-powered porn mayhem. I…

When I did the Teledildonics presentation, I had the joy of co-presenting with the dangerously cute (or cutely dangerous) members of Simnuke — we shared microphones, got drunk enough to slur, good times, people. I was sad I missed the Simnuke detonation, but there’s a great account of it here, and sexy alien from the…

It was a “holiday in other people’s misery.” (at least when outside the sanctuary of London Boy’s house). And back, I seem to be busy as usual, but it’s not the kind of busy that’s resulting in income, which is something I’m going to have to give more serious thought (especially when the credit card…