This has to be one of the more fascinating and bizarre set of photos of strangers interacting with… an even stranger sex toy: a sex doll centaur. They sure seem to be having a lot of fun with the weird dolls and dolly parts, but seems to me that after an hour, or ten minutes,…

For those of you who just can’t get enough of us smarty-pants sexy evil grease monkies and scary-smart nerds in SRL and all the other weird-cool stuff we do in our spare time, now you can subscribe to our SRL RSS feed of upcoming events and stuff we’re into. Update: for the hardcores, who…

I was at the gym, running my mile on the treadmill, when it came on CNN: Anderson Cooper, split screen with undulating, gyrating bouncy-boobed cheerleaders, and the words came out of his mouth, “Cheerleading… sexual routines…” THUMP! I landed red-faced in a heap at the end of my still-scrolling treadmill. Well, I didn’t really fall,…

So, it seems from the email I’ve been getting lately, that I’ve been on TV. It’s a very strange, sort of floating outside yourself feeling to find out that lots of people have seen the Playboy TV segment I did on oral sex instruction, and not to even have seen it myself. The mail is…

I often get questions from writers who want to get into the erotic writing market; I typically send them to the virtual think tank for erotica writers, ER&WA. Now I can direct them to this post at Lapsed Optimist. I find *all kinds* of cool things when I investigate who links to me… Now back…

I’m so excited; tonight I’ll be chatting about porn on Sirius Q‘s Derek and Romaine show at 6:15 PST, 9:15 EST (listen free here; reg req’d). I’ve been flirting with, I mean, I’ve been a guest on D and R‘s show pretty regularly for almost a year now, and it’s the fun-est radio show, ever.…

I am swamped. Buried under a tide of erotica. Not a bad place to be; in fact it’s a pretty damn fine place to be. Really, it’s an extremely arousing place to inhabit, langourously reading through over 200 (!!!!!) submissions for Best Women’s Erotica 2006. It’s overwhelming, and I’m taking it nice and slow, like…

New podcast — Open Source Sex 11 (MP3). Hot three-way action interview with Dr. Carol Queen and indy porn filmmaker Tony Comstock; last of the pirate radio series. the pirates: Carol Queen: Tony Comstock:

I got an email from an East Coast friend saying he’d just heard me on NPR, being interviewed at the SRL LA show by velvet-voiced Xeni Jardin on Xeni Tech! Check it out, and if you miss it here is the link where you can listen to it (stream) later: Eyeing Robots at Survival Research…