Just stumbled across this wild S/M furniture concept in my Fleshbot trollings: from the same man who created the lovely brass knuckle handbags (my white one is on order), the Pillory Dinette.
Google porn hacks, 001
http://www.googletutor.com/2005/04/15/voyeur-heaven (via sexblo.gs) And an after-hours solution to that nagging iPod problem: le rip
Things I need
There are many things I need in my daily routines. I thought Pornblography and Unscathed Corpse were blogs I needed every single day, but I guess I’m going to have to somehow go on without them. I will miss you both so very, very much. Even the penis of a low-level, but well hung celebrity…
The Swinging Accident
I accidentally attended a swingers’ party last weekend. Even I didn’t know that was possible. I mean, sure, in Hollywood movies, where everything about sexual subcultures is totally misinformed, one might see an unsuspecting Owen Wilson open the wrong door and walk into a wife-swapping orgy. But me? Let me back up for a minute,…
Carly Milne has a nice rack
I’ve told Carly that before, but now I can do so once more, and with feeling. Especially since today she sent me pictures of nice spice and shoe racks ingeniously re-purposed as sex toy organizers, found over at homemade-sex-toys.com/organize. Of course, I just had to show you mine (heh); an IKEA kitchen utensil rack I…
Michael Soldier interview
Check out my new podcast Open Source Sex 10 (MP3), where I interview uber-hottie porn star Michael Soldier. This is the second of three “Porn Chat With Violet Blue” shows, when about a month ago Neighborhood Public Radio pirated a local frequency, and since they were calling it their “NPR Indecency Series” they asked me…
Dworkin Who? (A Better Waste of Bandwidth)

Let’s talk about your sex blog. You love your sex blog. It’s your favorite pet, if a pet could walk upright and log into Movable Type and tell the whole world every sweaty, humpy detail about your sex life (and in our black little hearts we all know it’s a good thing they don’t have…
Nose Porn (Links Expired)
Nose porn. It’s the new black. No, really — I came across some facial bondage videos and turned them over to Fleshbot a while back, and since then I seem to keep finding nose-related porn. So today there’s this BB post about a woman who got a leech stuck in her nasal cavity, and I…
Jack Shamama Interview; SRL Images
I’m back and plowing through the emails, and trying to get back up to speed with Fleshbot. Until the machines are completely unloaded, listen to my newest podcast Open Source Sex #9 (MP3), where I interview Gay Porn Blog‘s all-around cutie and GayVN Best Screenplay winner Jack Shamama. We talk about all kinds of dirty…
On site
I woke up today with the boeing jet engine test… what an alarm clock! Yesterday I woke up and went on an illicit pallet run; daytime crime before coffee is quite a rush. Then my friend Coop came to see me, and my other friend Benny has been helping out. Xeni is coming to visit…