Slovakian designer Peter Jakubik brings a dark spark to home accessory design with his pornographic, kinky pieces. From his bio: He won the attention of many by transferring porno and BDSM motives and aesthetics into design. Provoking situations, objects such as fetishes, woman as a designer-erotic object are typical for his designs of furniture and…
Category: Art
This weekend: Final days to fund Oh Joy, Sex Toy, The Book
If you’re unfamiliar with Erika Moen’s comics – Oh Joy, Sex Toy – then you should really drop everything and see why her comics have attained a truly beloved cult status in fun, smart, sexy places all over the internet. Oh Joy, Sex Toy is more than just a sex comic, it’s a delightful dose…
Roy Stuart returns with new book ‘Glympstorys’

French erotic photographer and filmmaker Roy Stuart is one of my all-time favorites, ever. For well over a decade, no single erotic photographer has consistently produced work that is gorgeous, reliably arousing, and even though not always to my exact tastes, constantly inspires my fantasy-seeking-lizard-brain to try on new views of eros. By stumbling across…
Surreal, sexy and strange art by LostFish

These glorious digital “paintings” are from French artist LostFish. I’m dying to buy a print, and her portfolios make me feel a new tattoo coming on… Luckily, she has a lot of art for sale in the sidebar of her blog. Self-taught, LostFish began her creative development as a freelance character designer, but quickly turns…
Art by Gunsmithcat
I found Barcelona, Spain based Gunsmithcat’s Deviant Art page by way of Sex In Art, and it’s kind of like erotic art junk food: it’s hard to stop picking through it all even when it’s not exactly to taste. I found his work so compelling I made it all the way to his Blogspot blog,…
B-Classic: Dvořák – Symphony No. 9 Allegro con fuoco

Belgium based B-Classic has started The Classical Comeback Video: “a new music video format that gives classical music the same recognition as pop and rock music by combining the timeless emotion of classical music with the visual talent of a contemporary director.” It’s open to submissions. “The Classical Comeback is a creative format open to…
The art of Federico Massimiliano Mozzano
Take a few minutes to immerse your imagination in the works by Italian artist Federico Massimiliano Mozzano. The strangely moody ones you see here are from his “Embryo” series. Translated, he explains the Embryo series is: “… a metaphor, my reflection on human nature, bodies grown physically, but not yet completely independent, so there is…
Steve Diet Goedde – Aradia in Tucson (video)
Aradia in Tucson from Steve Diet Goedde. The incredibly talented Steve Diet Goedde just brought out this gorgeous film from the archives: “A video editorial of a photoshoot done in 2008 of model Aradia by Steve Diet Goedde. The footage was shot in Eric Kroll’s house who graciously let us invade his space. All photographs…
Art by Michael Oswald
Digital artist Michael O‘s bio says he’s a full-time Bollywood movie poster artist, which is really cool all on its own. His Deviant Art profile has all kinds of sexy futuristic goodness, plus a terrific update on R2D2 and Rosie the Riveter’s We Can Do It poster. See also: this great Empty Kingdom interview as…
Underwater sports eros: Fine art nudes by Franck Berthuo

I found the incredible erotic and nude photo work of Franck Berhtuo through dear friend Jiz Lee’s Twitter stream; they were completely loving Berthuo’s under-the-waves series. It’s wonderful and astonishing, and at the same time very sexy. Berthuo’s bio tells us: He specializes in extreme water sports photography which eventually led him to experiment with…