This morning I woke up feeling like the mood in this shot of Ulorin Vex from her portfolio. I had yet another conversation with a respected news site editor about the awful comments SF Gate lets people leave on my column every week. I am depressed, tired and angry that SF Gate continues to allow…
Category: Culture
From tonight: Thrillpeddlers “Pearls Over Shanghai”
What an incredible show. It’s a very adult theater experience that trumps any San Francisco tourist endeavor: it’s the new neu alt BB Babylon. I loved it! And it’s late, so you just get pics and video from the Thirllpeddlers‘ Pearls Over Shanghai, with the legendary Cockettes. Yay! And: the hothot halftime intermission performance with…
SF Chron column: torture, harsh bondage and Midori
Photo of Midori in Bettie Page’s gloves by dear friend, Steve Diet Goedde. This week’s SF Chronicle column is Considering Torture, and the Rise of Harsh Bondage – Violet Blue: Erotic art prankster Midori’s show “Taken” puts Amnesty International in the dungeon. Snip: Conservatives and feminists love to freak out about BDSM practices and imagery.…
Necrophilia is a fucking tragedy
It occurs to me that I don’t take the gloves off often enough around here. I’ve never seen more than five minutes of “Sex and the City.” I’ve also never fucked a dead body. For once, the math is easy. The sex lives of modern women would be funny, entertaining and wonderfully addictive if portrayed…
Levi Johnston’s (potential) moose cock
This is brilliant writing, people. Shrieketh The Sword in Confirmed: Levi Johnston Is Actually Going to Show Us (The Outline Of) His Moose Cock: Levi Johnston joked about posing in Playgirl on the set of a photo shoot. Within hours, the gay internet freaked the fuck out, a Playgirl producer put in a call, and…
A peek inside anonymous gay sex clubs
Image by icanteachyouhowtodoit. I just read Matt Siegel’s Anonymous Sex + Endless Lube: Welcome to the World of Gay Sex Clubs and it’s fascinating — a look into a world in which I will never gain admittance. Siegel is the same writer who did the porn workplace safety piece, and I’m excited to see that…
I am a playa hater
Image by malecution. You all know where I stand on Burning Man, the Protector Of Rich Hippies (among other things). I stand as far away as possible, and not downwind. But even I’ll admit that photo is terrific.
The Manther
Image of Burt Reynolds via Reeves-fan. I was thrilled to hear about last night’s local event the National Cougar Ball, which took place in Palo Alto — I really wanted to go. But only women over 40 were allowed, and even if I tried to sneak in as press it was sold out by the…
Gayness only lasts a couple episodes
My new favorite online show is Bryan Safi’s That’s Gay! Above, he explores the bizarre world of made-for-TV lady kisses. You will LOL and maybe even ROFL. Get some Kleenex for the tears and drool. It is second only to Connor Knighton’s work, the crowning glory to date of which is Look What Came Out…
This week’s SF Chronicle column: Sperm facials in high-end NYC salons
Image by the amazing Stuntkid. In this week’s column, I explore the (not so) brave new world of New York spa delivered “sperm facials.” It’s called The Skinny on Spermine: Not Exactly Snake Oil – Violet Blue: Straight guys getting sperm facials “for science.” It’s a wrong, wrong, wrong comedy of terrors. Here’s a snip:…