Image by ipanemic. As we slide election-ward (and I know many people who have already voted) I wanted to mention that I’ve gotten a number of queries about my feelings on Prop K — a San Francisco measure that would decriminalize prostitution. I’ve directed friends and readers to my in-depth piece for the SF Chronicle,…
Category: Culture
Slight gourd shrinkage in Seattle
Image of 2007’s run by John Cornicello, more here. It’s often what I see *after* Halloween that makes me squeal and twirl happily on my office chair, scaring the cat and entertaining my downstairs neighbors. One of the reasons I’m so interested in AI and cloning and replication is so that I can be sure…
Iran’s sexual uprising
I don’t know about you, but I know so very little about sexuality in Iran and countries from that part of the world that I’m really hungry for information about what’s going on there — especially with the influence of the Internet and peer-to-peer tech communication (enabling privacy in public), the inevitably changing world, and…
On Cinematical about Zack and Miri Make a Porno, horror movies, sex, more…
Image by the extremely talented RobF1.4, who I think really needs a gift pro account. In Zack and Miri Make a Porno, things don’t turn out quite as planned — and behind the scenes, the film struggled against the shadowy, frustratingly non-transparent MPAA for a number of reasons to be able to get placement in…
Dark elf sex needed on Craigslist SF-Bay Area
Image by orangeglad. The comment on the above image was, “Why are dark elves such porn stars?” What a really good question. Um… I bring to you, dear readers on this dark and stormy San Francisco night, a Craigslist ad (currently live) that’s been pulled no less than twice now and has to be one…
Porn smackdown — NYC’s L train vs. BART
Image by Mr. Love. Nope, no contest. And maybe that’s okay… Turns out, the L train is much filthier, and I’m not referring to the stinky, senseless gross industrial carpeting on our BART trains. Eve sent me this Curbed item To the Girl Watching Porn on the L Train This Morning… saying, “Made me think…
SF Chron: How to make love like a zombie
Image via The Re-Penetrator (yes, that’s Joanna Angel). Today’s SF Chronicle column is both fun *and* practical: How To Make Love Like A Zombie – Violet Blue tells how to get it on like the living dead. Trust me, you’ll need this. Plus, I’m fairly serious about zombie flash mobs being the place to score;…
Porn against prop 8? You betcha.
We’ve been reading all about Apple giving money, and Google giving a nod. And what’s really stuck in our collective throats is that the Mormon church has martialized out of state resources to support the utter awfulness of California’s Prop 8 — and used over 8 million in tax-free church revenue to support the fucking…
No more Palin porn, kthxbye!
Image of Lisa Ann as Serra Paylin in Hustler’s “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?” via sacrificio19, but Hustler has hardcore stills, if you want to spend the next four years scrubbing your eye sockets with brillo pads and figuring out how to actually put your brain in an autoclave to get the images out. This week’s SF…
Zentai, a second look
Image via Zentai, une seconde peau. Last night when trying to sleep, I visited the French culture site Fluctuat and unearthed the zentai fetish gem, Zentai, une seconde peau. Zentai — for those who enjoy full-body spandex, lycra or latex encasement — surfaced in the blogosphere years ago and made the usual linkdump stops, with…