Category: Culture

Still from Vampyros Lesbos via Tmrrw Never Knows’ great collection. There’s a very obvious reason Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles were so cult-like successful: they were erotic to the core, and Lestat was evil, an anti-hero rife with sexual tension and bloodlusty pathos. I just read that fallen atheist, born-again (after she wrote the good stuff)…

Today I’m on the front page of Melbourne’s newspaper, The Age (story here): It’s officially a meme — the hilarious Steve Jobs Is Your New Bicycle generator comes up with this as a possible result (thanks C!): And it just wouldn’t be a nice day without seeing something like this (Merkley??? does household chores):

Image of Amsterdam’s red light district at night by smudo. There are what seem like a bazillion blogs written by sex workers of all genders, vocations and nationalities — for fun, personal blog-therapy and for profit, all over the lube-slick Internets. But blogs by their clients are rare, and thusly pretty fascinating. I became Internet…

Image: Rubella, knitting nerd via Nerd Girl X. I got an exclusive gallery from Nerd Girl X (thank you NGX!) where the nerdiness ranges from yarn to gaming and beyond — *lots* of girls with glasses, yay: and I put together a really incredible mini-list of fleshy-glamorous Rio Carnaval 2008 Flickr sets from last weekend……