Sexy Shirley Eaton image via peter-noster. That’s the topic of this week’s Chronicle/SF Gate column, My erotica is not your child porn: When a sex blogger’s content is used for spam evil, Violet Blue has advice. It’s about pay-per-post, geek erotica, and child porn splogs — a true story I found myself helping someone navigate…
Category: Culture
GV Amateur Erotic Film Competition: Tonight
whoah — image by mzvm from the 2007 Barcelona International Erotic Film Fest. I’m going! Gore’s a bore, plus it’s pr0n at the Castro!
The sex column about sex columns: Interview with Rachel Kramer Bussel
This is one of my most favorite interviews, ever: today’s SF Gate / Chronicle column is The Sex Columnist Meta-Universe. The openness, honesty and sharp articulate observations Rachel Kramer Bussel has about the state (and future) of sex columns is *amazing*. Note: she never, ever wrote an abbreviated version of the word “fuck” — that’s…
i can haz Ultracho?
My crush on Margaret Cho (image via) just went ultra, with the utterly fucking fabulous article about her Sensuous Woman show in today’s SF Gate Asian Pop column by Jeff Yang — and the fact that Maragaret’s blog had become a full-on vlog of the Sensuous Woman tour and features slideshows and hilarious backstage antics.…
Fun Arse photos by Matt Ganucheau
Matt Ganucheau let me post some of his Arse images — like the one above and the cool photos of his making of Moaning Lisa (below).
[Video] Daytime at and Arse Elektronika setup
Click To Play A rare glimpse of with the lights on while we were setting up for Arse Elektronika 2007, the sex and technology conference. at the end, a quick demo of Matt Ganucheau’s interactive “female orgasm simulator” called Moaning Lisa. The video ends abruptly, as my laptop is slowly dying and I’m uploading…
America’s naughtiest marching band?
Image by me when I went to NY with the band in 2005! They have *no* idea… ! Congrats to my friends and family in Extra Action for this great writeup in Naughty America, snip: “It felt like everything was coming to a climax – and all of the sudden the floor below me was…
Happy birthday bubble wrap (fetish)
Image via southpaw20’s bubblewrap tag. Over at Guardian UK, there’s a nifty article about the invention of bubble wrap, on its 50th anniversary. 50 years of wrap? That’s more than I thought — but it does bring to mind the number of times I’ve heard people confessing to having a bubble wrap fetish, and for…
All about the bra biz
Image via lyddite’s playful vintage panties bras photoset. My friend Anna (the one I judged The Vloggies with last year) just had one of her National Geographic documentaries air last weekend — Bra Business. I missed it, but Nat Geo is so cool about sharing media they have it up now on YouTube. I found…
S and M is *not* short for sex and murder: This week’s Chron column
(image via the stunning, delicious galleries of Sebastian Solo (via); this hardcore image was my second choice) This week’s Chron column is a day late (for obvious reasons) but it’s got some razor-sharp teeth — mostly taking the local rag SF Weekly to task for tarring BDSM with an ugly brush (right before Folsom, with…