Category: Culture

My dear friend Thomas has some really interesting thoughts about the 10 Zen Monkeys sex panic interview I posted a day ago, and talks about being a porn writer while dating and living in the very sex-negative, anti-porn feminist climate of circa-1980 Santa Cruz, CA (home of UC Santa Cruz). Image from the truly terrible…

One of my favorite, and more personal, columns is today’s Day Shift Strippers: Lazy Saturday in North Beach. Here, I describe what Hacker Boy and I got up to last weekend, snip: This story, like all good San Francisco stories, begins at the tail end of a chilly-and-sunburned Gay Pride Sunday afternoon, and winds up…

Scooter was commuted. Obscenity prosecutions are willfully heading toward Comstock-era proportions. Bill O’Reilly is “news”. Gitmo, Gitmo, Gitmo. Nice place we got here, eh? Actually, it’s pretty nice, despite our government’s best efforts of late. Exercise your San Francisco values today and enjoy a little porn that flaunts your rights as an adult. Namely, check…

I’m so excited about Waking Vixen bringing her book tour for her fabulous, history-making tome Naked on the Internet to San Francisco that I interviewed her about being an ultra-fabulous sex blogger in today’s Chron/SF Gate column. It was either that or buy a dozen cupcakes and gleefully, hysterically roll in them. Which now may…

Sex writer Greta Christina is quite unnerved by the very real spanking practices in certain fundamentalist christian “biblical marriages” — and she wrote an (ahem) heavy-handed post about it on the Blowfish blog. They even have their own “romantic spanking fiction” for “Christian Domestic Discipline marriage”. Interesting, no?

You prolly already saw thins but if you didn’t… The segment on the Colbert Report, where Chong describes something so explicit Colbert actually blushes up to his ears (even in the Quicktime version you can see it!), but only after Colbert succinctly breaks down the news/comment/opinion reward cycle for useless news items (like in this…