Category: Culture

A reader sends me a link back from 2005 to The Exciting Game of Career Girls. The “game” itself is one of those deliciously retro curiosities of cultural perceptions about what “little girls should be when they grow up”, and we could all go on and on about how narrow and silly and naive and…

While the women on Pillow Fight League keep their clothes decidedly *on* and Fox News has video with one pillow pusher claiming that she doesn’t think it’s a “sexual thing”, the rest of us can sit back and smirk quietly about videos and galleries of really cute girls bedecked in ruffle butt fighting gear all…

My pal at Masturbate for Peace spotted this contest over on the Viagra website where we’re asked to count the Viagra-branded items in each picture. Big pharma is relentless and with Viagra it’s impossible to come up with entendre-free verbiage to describe this particular type of market penetration. It’s like whoah, suddenly staplers make me…

It seems that the labia minora, the delicate hairless inner lips that smile coyly from the edges of the vaginal opening, were once referred to as the nymphae. Mythos, Eros; the nymphs were beautiful and randy nature spirits, and when they weren’t gleefully decorating Pan’s maypole or giggling and jiggling him into satyriasis, they were…

Tired of all the retro-looking boobies on the blog today? Too bad! I’m stuck waiting for the DSL dude to show up and lay some pipe or something, and I just love the sexy squishy natural bodies I keep finding today… And Retrofap seems to be a fabulous source for videos, galleries, vintage Marilyn nudes,…

This week’s Chron column, The Rise of Indie Porn? begins, “It was all undoubtedly an initiation into sex, but I felt like it was addressed to Hannibal Lecter. There were hacked-off feet, seared together from what must have been scorching heat and violent fire, leaving only tiny gaps between them. Horrifying limbless torsos, and genitalia…