My friend Tony Comstock has been at it again — filming sexy, deeply-in-love couples with high-quality documentary techniques and giving mainstream porn a good spanking in the process. For instance, “Matt and Khym’s love scene is shot entirely on film and presented in 16:9 anamophic format with Dolby sound — ideal for playback on both…
Category: Culture
Waking Vixen’s ‘The Bi Apple’ trailer
I’m so excited to see The Bi Apple trailer arrive! My pal Dacia (aka Waking Vixen, fellow Fleshbot minion) has been working on writing, directing, casting and making a bisexual film that reflects her New York values (hee! kinda like our SF values!) with some big-studio backing, and she’s just released a juicy preview. I’ve…
Oh, you sexy geeks
Last year I did a top ten sexiest geeks of 2005 list for Tiny Nibbles, which was followed a week later by Wired’s ten sexiest geeks (and they sweetly included me). As seen on Fleshbot and Kotaku this week, it looks like Wired has announced their call for nominations on their year-end sexy geek list…
Santa maid
It seems to me that some people take christmas really seriously. Like, I know that the guys who dress as Santa for Macy’s grow their real beards out, and some even stay in character the whole time they’re in the getup, to the excitement of children and the uneasy dismay of adults. And in dressing,…
Nina Hartley on San Francisco
This week’s Chronicle/Gate column is a quick interview with Nina Hartley; she was in town last weekend and I caught her for a few minutes to ask her about her porn history and feelings about San Francisco, her terrific new book, being a porn sex educator, and even what her favorite restaurants are here. Snip:…
Revenge of the geek girls
Forwarded to me from HR Lori, The Tech Chronicles puts a bloggy fatwa on Cnet (UK) for their crappy, obnoxious, utterly developmentally disabled list Top Ten Girl Geeks: Your Essential Guide. Read the list, and it’s clear that Cnet has some *outstanding* drug connections. Snip: “They are girl geeks? Hear the blogosphere roar. Cnet, in…
San Francisco values
So, Pelosi’s all set to become Speaker of the House. And conservatives like Bill O’Reilly and Newt Gingrich have tried to use “San Francisco values” as a derisive term. And lots of pundits are being all nice about what they think San Francisco values are, citing pot clubs and immigrants and the environment. In this…
I found some weird videos yesterday that were also kinda hot — check them out in my Fleshbot post today, Video Playpen: Girls Licking.
Touring the dildo factory
My new Chron column is up: Violet and the Dildo Factory, where I tour local dildo makers Vixen Creations. Snip: “We have a dildo factory hidden in plain sight here in San Francisco, and in one sense I did get a Golden Ticket in that I got a tour — a tour with benefits. But…
Dead porn stars… Aren’t much fun
Unless it’s Halloween, of course. Halloween officially began in San Francisco last night, so I’ll be celebrating it here on the blog through tuesday! Indulge in a cold, compelling slice of morbidity by checking out this dead porn star chart, which helpfully arranges the deaths of known porn stars by name, date, time, death method…