Regular readers will remember that I just saw John Cameron Mitchell’s mainstream-release porn film Shortbus with dominatrix Mistress Morgana — it was a hell of an evening, and I wrote about the film, our thoughs about it and much more in this week’s Chron column Open Source Sex: Get on the Shortbus. I’m really, really…
Category: Culture
To offend or make you giggle and groan
My piece What the Fuck Is Wrong With the Japanese? Part One in a Series: Nose Abuse is now live. Not recommended for lunchtime reading; it’s the exasperated result of after-midnight blog cruising and unintentional discoveries via my vast sex bookmark link list. May you now have weird fetish sex dreams, too. Happy friday the…
Rodriguez and Tarantino’s Grindhouse
It’s so not fair that this movie isn’t coming out *right fucking now* or at least in time for Halloween. I mean, it’s got Tom Fucking Savini starring in it, filthy babysitters, zombies, lots of violence and boobies, and Rose McGowan as a grindhouse stripper with a motherfucking MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG. Grind House…
This week’s Open Source Sex and Litcrawl
My Chronicle/SFGate column is up: Litquake’s Sexquake — This Year’s Down-and-Dirty Lit Crawl is intended to be a one-stop shopping guide to our local LitCrawl, with a focus on all the literate smutsters reading in the 150+ writer, drinking and carousing evening in the Mission this saturday. Read the article about details on all the…
Feeling blah, looking at kewl stuff
I seem to have a fever and chest cold; last night I muddled my way through beginning my next book but had to retire to bed all fuzzy-headed. That was after having a lovely lunch with my best friend Thomas, spilling all my boy troubles on him, and him telling me that the next time…
My new SFGate column — Open Source Sex :: with links!
I’m twirling in my office chair with delight! In my third (and newest) online column for the Chronicle/SFGate, they kept every single link I turned in with the piece! They’re starting to get it, woo-hoo!!! I’m also tickled that whoever wrote their front page copy called the main man in the piece, “local perverati star…
This week’s Chron column: Beer with SFSI
This week’s column for the Chronicle over at SFGate is now live — and incredibly, they included one of my links. Who’s the lucky link-ee? San Francisco Sex Information! But wait — they linked to my site in my bio!!!!! Hey, it’s a good start, and I’m sure they’ll get all kinds of great, typo-riddled…
Open Source Sex :: the column!
My Chron column is *now live* on SFGate, yayayayay!!!! It looks ultra-fabulous OMGWTFBBQ!!! This is amazing! Even if this is the only one ever, it is a huge step for sex-positivity, old and new media, San Francisco sex culture (and SF notoriety in general) and accurate sex information — not to mention that it feeds…
HUMP! wrap and the state of amateur porn (or why I need hazard pay)
I caught the Friday night 8pm showing of HUMP! 2, Seattle’s annual amateur porn festival and competition, and I may never be the same. The Stranger’s blog has the results and great comments on the videos; I wish I could have stayed for the afterparty. I would have totally humped Bo Logan’s third leg. (Did…
The Seattle Craigslist sex scandal
Last Monday Seattle resident Jason Fortuny (and a friend) carried out a thought experiment into reality — one I think anyone who has surfed Craigslist sex ads has entertained. He took a hardcore Women Seeking Men ad from another city and reposted it to see how many replies he could get in 24 hours (the…