Category: Culture

The blog Confessions of a Former TSA Screener is currently making the rounds on tech forums. It’s a fantastic blog, and might be especially timely reading for those traveling over the holidays this coming week. I love it! But it took a pal who works at Twitter to point out this delightful section in the…

A scene from “The Pawn Layman,” one of the films featured at CineKink 2010, image via. The tenth annual CineKink will be February 26-March 3, 2013; the call for entries is currently closed. But I emailed CineKink saying I was sorry I missed telling my readers about the call for submissions, and they decided to…

Image: Crabapple’s “Impossible Couture” photo/art collaboration with Najva Sol for Filthy Gorgeous Things. Artist, activist and co-founder of the amazing Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School – the extraordinary Molly Crabapple has an essay in Vice that’s well worth reading. Here’s a snip from The World of a Professional Naked Girl: (…) I was 20. I’d been…

The incredibly fucked up, hilarious trailer for Movie 43

The lines about HPV, and Johnny Knoxville complaining about someone else’s obsession with balls seals it for me. I have to see this film. Movie 43 also stars Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Anna Faris, Richard Gere, Emma Stone, Kate Winslet, Uma Thurman, John Hodgman and many more in a huge ensemble cast. While shot in…

On September 17 (9 days ago) I got a cold-call email from an Account Executive at PR firm KCSA Strategic Communications. This is what it said: Hi Violet, Later this month, ICM Registry, the company that created and now operates .xxx domain names, is launching their very own search engine just for adult entertainment websites,…

HBO’s Boardwalk Empire returned this past Sunday in a hail of bullets, betrayal, bitterness and sex – thank the gods. As you can see by the above image of gorgeous Meg Chambers Steedle (Nucky Thompson’s new mistress), we’re off to a great start. There is so much to love about Boardwalk Empire’s inspiring 1920s sex.…