Category: Eye Candy

Image of Sharon E and Anna AJ from “Tongues” in Leonardo’s user generated gallery, where we see he’s collected galleries of twosomes Seriously: whoever came up with the concept and execution of Met Art‘s member generated galleries (and letting people vote the hottest ones up to the top) is pretty brilliant. It’s the perfect combination…

If one were to pay a lovely lady to spank the stuffing out of them, I think one would want that lady to be smart and have a similarly smart website. While I can’t remember who sent me this (sorry! remind me!), I’ve clicked around Domina Rikka’s site “The Dirty Details” ( and think it’s…

I recently discovered what has to be the best multi-contributor sex blog (for visual erotic art) on the internet right now: FLNGS ( It includes the ongoing contributions of legendary talents Nathan Appel, Bob Coulter, Chase Lisbon, Merkley???, George Pitts, Tony Stamolis and now, Katie West. Right now one of the hottest girls on the…

I really admire the beauty in those European pinup models (and big-name photographers) at Met Art and generally regard their work highly — the combination of tasteful and explicit content with fairly wholesome-looking, natural ladies unarguably puts our domestic men’s magazines to shame. But I’ve always wondered what the vibe is during the shoots, and…

Since we’re ready for a season of sequels and plotlines that jump the shark (such as doppelgangers and evil clones/twins), it makes sense to remind you all of the rules surrounding doppleganger sex. (via sex is not the enemy; originally in this awful and hilarious Something Awful Photoshop contest chock full of many life lessons,…

Image from this gallery. As I ping back and forth with Harpo’s PR people about my appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show about women and porn (next week: my air date announcement is coming later today), I’m also seeing something missing around here… A fun, gratuitous, handpicked pr0n post! The show features my book The…