In early June, the Chronicle/SF Gate devoted a few miles of HTML to an article about the “G-Shot”. This is a new procedure where women who feel (or are convinced they feel) G-Spot inadequacy, have a shot of collagen injected into their urethra. The idea behind the G-Shot is ostensibly to swell up the urethral…
Category: Sex News
Wikipedia traffic metrics: Sex ed top in searches
There’s a wee post over on a traffic metrics blog showing that sex (sex ed, especially) is high in Wikipedia search rankings, beating music and movies, and tying with “pop culture”. I wish the author would have included specifics on which sex ed topics are being searched for. But it does show that people are…
e-Hetero sued; new Surgeon General will cure your hairdresser
Image of dangerous e-lesbians: Gilles Berquet, via, also. But he better not try to “cure” mine. Silent as a fart, Bush released his nomination for Surgeon general, Joseph Holsinger, which Daily Kos points out, Holsinger and his wife: …founded Hope Springs Community Church in a warehouse at 1109 Versailles Road. Calhoun called it a socially…
New news: Feds, obscenity, 2257
Image by Samantha Wolov. Two developments of note this week: * As you may have read on Fleshbot yesterday, Max Hardcore (Paul Little) has been indicted on federal obscenity counts, as revealed in a freshly unsealed (Florida-based) document on Smoking Gun. Now, this doesn’t surprise me at all considering the stomach-churningly “extreme” nature of the…
Lara Jade: Not a porn star, this week’s column
I’ve spent the past couple days working on my next book and my thursday column Lara Is Not A Porn Star: Or, How to make it in porn before you were even born. I actually called the people who used her (underage) image, and boy, taking to Texas Bob and learning “ALL WE KNOW” (which…
Sideshow Bob strikes again, and the desperate need for web-savvy pornographers (again)
Mired in column and book deadlines, and a massive upcoming post about Maker Faire, posts will be a bit sparse for a few days. First: * Readers will remember the Chronicle tech writer I got in an internet fight with after SXSW, who wrote about vlogging and called it “vcasts” among other great hits (and…
What the fuck is wrong with Russia?
There was a gay rights demonstration in Moscow yesterday — all they want is the right to have a Pride parade. Police watched as “neo-Nazis” (and religious people) beat the gay rights demonstrators, but then arrested *the victims*, allowing the people who beat them to go free. So, if they’re allowed to have a Pride…
In case you missed it: Fair use trumps “Perfect Ten”
I found this one interesting — all your porn thumbnails are go(oogle): SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) — A U.S. appeals court lifted a preliminary injunction Wednesday against Google Inc. from showing thumbnail-size photos from sexually explicit Internet sites, but said the company might be liable for allowing links to sites displaying pirated photos. The case is…
Goodnight, hater
Black Sheep has some choice quotes to remember Falwell by (via Gawker). Also, Wonkette screencaps Falwell’s Wikipedia death update. Let’s also not forget, while Fox rolls out the barely-disguised tributes and Bush mourns his hero, and I regret that I did not yet get famous enough to have a chance to challenge Falwell on CNN…
Morning after pills, new babies
At the Cancun airport, they sell the morning-after pill near the gates in a drugstore amongst all the other shops. Also — I got home to see that the UPS stork brought me the early-shipped Canon PowerShot TX1, which I’ll be toting down to the SRL shop later this afternoon. Yay! It’s just a bit…