rant: Looks like porn industry magazine, mouthpiece and organizer of the porn awards show (you know, the people who tell the media that porn makes five gazillion dollars a year) AVN has a little problem with crediting information sources online — much like their mainstream media counterparts, hmmm. Hey — if MSM can selectively credit…
Category: Sex News
11th circuit court of appeals: No fundamental right to sex toys
Or really, sexual privacy. The world has indeed gone insane. Snip from the Xbiz article: “In a unanimous opinion, a three-judge panel for the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an Alabama statute banning the commercial distribution of sex toys, saying that there is no fundamental right to privacy raised by the plaintiff’s case…
Woman allegedly ties up valentine, drinks his blood
Banished to after the jump, because it’s all over Blogistan now.
Porn and the lie of unbiased reporting
When I write my column for the Chronicle/SFGate, I don’t expect to get too fucked with as writer, though after the years of seeing how typically slanted and sex-negative the mainstream media is about sex and porn, I knowingly *hope* for fair treatment. Last week I wrote a column about altporn, and interviewed the top…
$1 billion in abstinence-only federal aid programs later…
I’m pissed at SFGate right now (more on that later), but you really need to read this article that went up today, about abstinence aid, who gets (and refuses) all that money, and what a chilling joke this whole thing has become. Our kids are in trouble. Snips: “More than $1 billion in federal aid…
Evil Laugh: (Actual) Rain On The Anti-Porn Parade
Right now there’s an anti-porn anti-Kink.com protest at the San Francisco Armory — start time is 12 noon. It’s 12:01, and it just started pouring rain! Which is why I’m not going, of course ;)
Today’s SF Chronicle Column: Eon McKai; Special Gallery
No, the special gallery isn’t in Teh Chronic! Eon sent me a bunch of stills from his next film The Doll Underground, and we’re running them as a Fleshbot exclusive along with my column about altporn (and interview with Eon) today. Yay! Will altporn fare better in the long run than “alternative rock”? We’ll see……
This week in porn hysteria, part umptybillion
I watch for noteworthy news all day long, and when those typical porn hysteria headlines pop up on Google News repeatedly — like this week’s mass-marketed line about children being exposed to unwanted porn on the scary, uncontrollable internets — I don’t even want to waste a post on them. However, I just caught this…
Huge blow to the straight community
Colorado Springs’ Rev. Ted Haggard (he of the Greek-flavored hookers and alleged biker speed parties and well-lubed, where’s-my-manhole-cover denials) has been “pronounced ‘Completely Heterosexual’”. Update: A sends me this hilarious video showing the explanation for Haggard’s homosexuality cure. Also, a number of readers have emailed me about this item in outrage and dismay at the…
Sunday nibbles
* My two favorite new blogs this week: hoaxdevices.com and xenuday.com. * Blogfriend Vince at the Liberty Guys emails me this morning to say, “As I suspected – Republican Texas governor Rick Perry’s motives for mandating HPV vaccination aren’t exactly pure.” Vince and I have been having some interesting back and forth emails about the…