Category: Sex News

This week in sex and tech – Vatican-dot-XXX, Silicon Valley sperm donor’s other hobby, sex workers protest at Google, and more porn in the SOPA debate. Sex Tech Weekly: Google Sex Protest, Vatican-dot-XXX, SOPA (Pulp Tech) In late 2009, Walgreens signed a licensing deal to sell one of Screaming O’s brands in 7,000 drugstores. Their…

In one fell swoop, the enormous tattoo on a bare woman’s body on the cover of this month’s issue of FHM India managed to demystify, emasculate and parody the ISI (Pakistani’s secretive Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate) — something most people have been afraid to do in public since the inception of the agency a year after…

In this condom awareness ad campaign for MTV Germany with three “Sex Is No Accident” PSAs, I think it’s odd that the one where the guy slips in the shower and sits on a shampoo bottle seems to be missing… ‘Sex Is No Accident’ Campaign Extended to Video (Adrants) The Citadel is San Francisco BDSM’s…

World’s Largest Bra, Most People Taking A Shower Together? This is 2011’s pervy world records? There is NO way this is a complete list. Pervy World Records Broken In 2011 (buzzfeed) The Victorians and porn, Puritans and pureness, Jews and holes in sheets… it turns out that a lot of what BBC dramas tell you…

In the new film “Shame,” an examination of the extremes of human sexuality, Brandon Sullivan, a successful, handsome New York executive afraid of intimacy, has frequent, random sex with prostitutes and strangers. But “Shame” draws an inaccurate comparison between casual sex–an experience typically outside the context of a romantic relationship–and reckless sex. In Defense of…

“Have you ever seen an IUD before? It’s a lot like an IED—frightening, complicated, and sort of jury-rigged looking… You can even sort the sperm blockade by fun categories, like “party ready” (easy enough to use while blacked out!), “easy to hide” (for those with tight pants and/or draconian parents), and Gizmodo favorite, “do me…

Milla Jovovich (above) is in The Pirelli Callendar 2012 by Mario Sorrenti: see all the sexy photos of various undressed stars in the post, Kate Moss, Lara Stone, Joan Smalls and More Get Naked for the 2012 Pirelli Calendar, Shot by Mario Sorrenti (Fashionista) This is BAD. Wednesday the US Department of Health and Human…

Steve Jobs painted as a “pro-life saint” while the ACLU steps in and controversy continues surrounding Apple’s virtual personal assistant Siri and its behavior around female sexual healthcare crises. Why the problem with Siri matters (Pulp Tech) Over the past decade, polyamory has gone from being a fringe trend to a bona fide scene to…

Siri passes with flying colors, correctly decoding instructions; Microsoft’s Tellme doesn’t just fail, it fails spectacularly. When Cartwright says “Create a meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m.,” Tellme hears “create a meeting tomorrow at teen anal” and turns up an article entitled “Swingers swap sex partners in prudish Singapore.” Tellme fail: ‘Swingers swap sex partners in…