Category: Sex News

“Baconlube began as an elaborate April Fool’s prank and was never intended to be a real product. But when the joke ended, the emails kept coming. People harassed us via email, in public and in highly inappropriate ways (thanks for that). We’ll make no judgments about why you want this or what you want to…

Video – cutest condom ad, ever: Big Richard is Australia’s newest and cheekiest brand of condoms. Big Richard’s Condoms (Big Richard) Beloved sex blogger Bacchus is in a state about a recent interview with Max Hardcore/Paul Little – and it’s well worth reading. “Narcissistic fucker spent two hours with our society’s current designated archetypal Beast/Pornographer…

Comprehensive Sex Ed Bill Introduced in House and Senate

On November 1, a comprehensive sex education bill was introduced in the US House and Senate – it is not at all what I expected. It’s exactly what I’ve always hoped for. It is the singlemost important piece of legislation for the public health sector in regard to preventing unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, sexual…

Dear Sex News readers: it’s certainly true that these links will make your Twitter feed more exciting. Do know that I constantly cull 118 RSS feeds, several social media platform lists I’ve created, reader tips, and more: when you share from here, remember best practices and please give source credit by including @violetblue or @tinynibbles.…

Sex News: Vivid on Google TV, Infidelity Scent, Bestiality and Cancer, Breast Infographic

Mavericks Revue Bar, Cape Town’s premier Gentlemen’s Club, is extending its entertainment brand with a range of fragrances entitled ‘Alibis’, aimed at providing gentlemen with ‘Alibis’ for a range of day to day situations. The three fragrances, aimed primarily at men are: ‘My Car Broke Down’ with the scent of fuel, burnt rubber, grease and…

So while the hacker that snagged Scarlet Johansson’s nude photos faces more jail time than a rapist, ScarJo does a hair flip about the entire incident. Scarlett Johansson Speaks Out About Her Nude Photo Scandal (Buzzfeed) is urging people to tweet the URLs of Facebook pages that promote rape or sexual assault, using the…

Friend and fellow tech geek Sinnamon Love writes, “As a parent, a woman and a porn star, this whole Amber Cole debacle has me heated. I have to wonder, did anyone ever have a discussion with Amber Cole about sex in public places or looking out for hidden cameras? Did anyone ever say to these…

Above: new racy Axe commercial Hot Girl vs. Zombie. Following the story of a child who was denied enrollment in a local Girl Scout troop despite identifying as a girl, yesterday the Girl Scouts of Colorado spoke out in support of transgender children. Girl Scouts of Colorado Released Statement Welcoming Transgender Youth (GLAAD) Don’t get…