Celebrating body diversity, Vogue Italia’s June 2011 cover shoot features plus size models in a lush setting for a story of undeniable sensuality and elegance. Captured by Steven Meisel, models Candice Huffine, Tara Lynn and Robyn Lawley strip down to boudoir ensembles from the likes of Dolce & Gabbana and Agent Provocateur. Vogue Italia’s June…
Category: Sex News
Nibbles: Dan Savage @ Google, Larry Flynt: Sex Scandals, Genderless Baby, Anti-Circumcision Bill Spreads, Big Tits vs. Zombies 3D, Teens “Get” Online Sex Ed
Above, yesterday: Authors@Google: Dan Savage and Terry Miller (Viviane’s Sex Carnival) Big Tits Zombie, originally filmed in 3D and also inspired by a manga (by Rei Mikamoto), is set in (where else?) a strip club where one of the girls reads aloud from a “Book of the Dead,” with the inevitable results. Japanese “VAMPIRE” and…
Nibbles: True Blood Boys, Researchers Rethink Sex Online, Pedo On Reddit, Facebook Favors Morality In Media, AIDS Cure Nears?
I’m so ready for a True Blood fix! I’m apparently not alone. Photographer Joe McCormick views model Dan Brett through a True Blood lens on gay YVY Mag in this sexy vampire series. (yvymag.com, pictured) When we talk in public about sex online, much of what we say focuses on the dangers of cyber stalking,…
Nibbles: Male Pill Update, Gay “Treatments” Lawsuit Victory, Cloud Girlfriend, Blow-Drying One’s Balls

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss? The porn industry says it has a new STD testing system, including a facilities, that it will roll out for performers in the weeks to come. Porn Industry Lays Out Plans For New STD Testing System For Performers (Los Angeles News) First proposed as a free…
NIbbles: Sex & Zen 3D Coming to US, Google and Porn Site PageRank, Glee Makes Kids Gay?, Sex and Tech in Iran
A Google webmaster video released today tries to answer the question why porn sites are at the lower end of PageRank. Google’s Matt Cutts fielded a question relating to the topic from Studio 3X in New York: Video: Why Are Porn Sites at Lower End of PageRank? (XBIZ Newswire) “Sex & Zen 3D: Extreme Ecstasy,”…
Nibbles: BDSM “No Longer A Disease”, People Editor Transgender, Porn Star Reality Show Finalists, Sex and Science Orgasm Demo in SF
Transvestism, sadomasochism and fetishism are not going to be officially considered diseases in Finland for much longer. The National Institute for Health and Welfare is removing them from Finland’s lists of diseases because there is no proper medical basis for classifying them as such. Sadomasochism No Longer a Disease (YLE Uutiset, via Charlie Glickman) Today,…
Nibbles: Australian Feminist Porn and Anti-Porn Face-Offs, German Insurance Firm Sex Party Scandal, Playboy Puts All Issues Online
Desperate or smart? Playboy Puts Entire 57 Years of Magazines Online (TheLedger/AP) A German insurance firm held hired staff sex parties for their best employees – seriously. Reading about the system of doling out the top girls to the best staff sounds very Mad Men key party: Prostitute-filled sex party was reward for German insurance…
Nibbles: Psychology Today: Black Women Unattractive, Playboy Sex Survey Disaster, Porn on Ivy League Servers, SF Giants Do “It Gets Better”
Quick question: does this site seem faster? Let me know in the comments. If you noticed anything, and you feel okay with telling me, it would be interesting to know where you are visting TinyNibbles from as well (country, continent or city). Thank you! Insane: Psychology Today runs an unbelievably racist article basically calling black…
Nibbles: Cloud Girlfriend, Lady Gaga’s Cock Heels, Oprah Network’s New Sex Show, “Hottest Sex Offenders” List Apology, Lingerie’d Jessica Alba
I wish this item was me telling you I’m getting a sex ed/infotainment show for Oprah (I WISH) – though I have agreed to Dr. Berman featuring two of my books on her upcoming sex advice show: How sexy is OWN? Oprah’s network rolls out sex therapy, infidelity, celebrity and ‘make-better’ shows (Los Angeles Times)…
Uganda’s LGBT Activists Get a Temporary Victory

The reprehensible “anti-gay” bill in Uganda has been dealt a blow by that country’s brave LGBT activists and the world human rights community. In a nation where homosexuality was already illegal, and punishable by 14 years in prison, this law would have made things even worse, establishing the death penalty, among other things, for having…