* Above: the trailer for my first app – Total Flirt (based on my next book) – which will be available *very* soon for Apple and Android! I can’t wait! I made the video this weekend, and details on updates are in Now Live: Total Flirt App Video. (thetotalflirt.com) * We desperately need more articles…
Category: Sex News
Friday Nibbles: Your Weekend Sex News Reader

This is what happens when I have a book deadline and miss a few days! Lots of weird, sad, scary, interesting and titillating sex news to peep… * Carolin Berger, German porn star (AKA Sexy Cora) died yesterday: German reality TV star Cora dies after sixth breast op (bbc.co.uk, image via Facebook) * The at-any-cost…
Tuesday Nibbles: Aphrodisiac Worms, Emotions The Internet Invented, More…
* Above: superlative, sexy Romanian car insurance commercial. Why can’t *we* have nice things, too!!?? (via copyranter.blogspot.com) * Be afraid. Be very afraid: Dating site creates profiles from public records (iTnews.com.au) * Octomom pretends to be a dominatrix and whips a man in a baby outfit? (As “real” an AB/DL as she is a dominatrix,…
Saturday Night Nibbles: Porn Virgin Hymen Cam, Real Apollo 12 Porn, Oprah’s FTM Doc, More
* No, I’m not at the live Kink shoot where a model is “lost her virginity” tonight. There was supposed to be a “hymen cam” and I’m 100% sure that this is what the hymen cam looks like. Peter Acworth invited me (thank you!) but I’m on massive book deadlines. The marketing for this porn…
Friday Nibbles: Stripping Economics, Necrophilia, Porn Racism, The Disappointment of Dr. Berman
* No one understands what the hell is going on with Laura Berman’s new sexual self-help television show on Oprah’s new network. Popular opinion (especially among sex educators depressed by the content) is that it – and the bizarre USA Today sex ed PR accompanying it – is setting women’s sexuality and sex culture awareness…
Wednesday Nibbles: Losing Virginity Live For Porn, SF Giants, Gay Intern Saved Giffords, Guy Kawasaki
* Photo: that’s wonderfully smiley web celeb, VC, former Chief Evangelist for Apple, and Alltop founder Guy Kawasaki hamming it up with a gleeful grin at the Lelo booth at CES last weekend. Yay! (yfrog.com, thanks Amanda!) * Sex blogs (sex educators, bloggers and sex workers) are blowing up about the girl who is going…
Tuesday Nibbles: Muslim Sex Guides, iPhone Users Prefer Anal Teens
* This is a great list: hot, filthy and adds to my prediction that 2011 is the year of queer (porn). Five Hot Queer Sex Blogs & The Lesbian-Revelation Hookup (autostraddle.com, image via) * This one is getting a lot of press, but they only talked to 58 teens. 58 is currently roughly how many…
Sunday Nibbles: Porn Valley Goes After Torrent Sites, Turkish Porn and Trans Brothels
I’ve been trying to find a perfect solution for sharing with you the sex news I read on a daily basis. Before it was sold to Yahoo! (where great ideas go to die of neglect and user alienation), I liked Delicous – but I never gelled with the way I wanted to blend it into…
Saturday Nibbles: Hot AVN Photo Slideshows (Monochrom!), Scary Sex Crime, Penthouse’s 3D Channel
* Jiz Lee (above) is at the porn convention and awards, and is extra fun to follow on Twitter this weekend as well as Jiz’ Posterous. Lee is being naughty, so it’s worth checking back… Pictured above: Jiz stopped by the nJoy booth today, which had sexy postcards of Lee and those sexy, sexy nJoy…
Thursday Nibbles: Sexiest Vegas Hotel, Sex.com Gossip, Brutish Male Sexuality
* In Las Vegas, porn magazine AVN kicked off their annual convention today; I generally consider Vegas to be one of the least sexiest places on Earth, sort of like the Playboy mansion‘s version of sexiness. However, this very sexy video for newly opened hotel The Cosmopolitan makes me think a sexy time could be…