* In case you missed it, when Lady Gaga announced her next album Born This Way on New Year’s, she accompnaied it with this lovely TwitPic of her bare bottom. * China is scaring us, having deleted 60K and 350+ million websites for porn in 2010 – and jailing people for it, even though we’re…
Category: Sex News
The Year in Sex 2010
A roundup of other people’s lists that circles the globe, ranging from talented sex bloggers and bright sex educators to entertaining mainstream media candyfluff. These lists are my favorite end of the year guilty pleasure, and I’ve been culling them just for this post. It’s been a good year to be bad. * Christina Hendricks…
Wednesday Nibbles: Sex Crime, Dan Savage On Monogamy, Hustler Filesharing Suit Fail
* Edge play goes over the edge: Gunplay sex fantasy game ends with wife dead. (nydailynews.com) * Kinsey Confidential published the third part of their interview with TinyNibbles friend Dan Savage, and in part three he says some extremely controversial things about monogamy. You might find yourself taking a side. (kinseyconfidential.org) * Hustler demanded that…
Friday Nibbles: Unauthorized Access – Assange Sex Allegations, Kindle Erotica Deletions, Star Wars, True Blood
* This is big: The Guardian UK got unauthorized access to the legal documents detailing the sexual allegations against Julian Assange and they report everything here. (guardian.co.uk) * Also quite huge: Amazon kicked erotica out of Kindle for being incest-themed – then deleted the book from people’s Kindles. When customers called to complain, they were…
Sunday Nibbles: Apple Again, FDA Blocks Contraceptive, Economist on Male Attraction, Cher’s Nipples
* Apple is getting called out for only allowing newspapers and media who alter, censor, or change their content into the app store, as per Apple’s censorship policies. Ekstra Bladet is prepared to take Apple to the EU-tribunal over the Page 9 girl, which they see as a necessary part of free speech. Amen. (cphpost.dk)…
The AIM Clinic Shutdown, Condoms In Porn, HIV Controversy Updates
The update is that basically it’s a political, emotionally-charged, agenda-filled nightmare. The short of it is that the clinic that does the majority of STD/STI testing for the mainstream porn industry, AIM, has had the clinic partially shuttered by the LA County Health Department due to an inconsistency in their clinic application. The inconsistency is…
Wednesday Nibbles: Diaspora’s Gender Controversy, Asian Girl Fetish, Federal Agents Monitor Porn Site
* I got an invite to Diaspora, the would-be rival to Facebook: it’s very sexy. And did you know their stance on gender is already so controversial it’s caused an epic public freakout? “Suffice it to say, if Facebook were a dominatrix, she would be out of business by now. Even when your business is…
Thursday Nibbles: Don’t Ask Wingnuts, Predicting the Future With Porn, Sex Hacks
Hey look: it’s our pal Kumi on the front page of MedicalToys! * Lots of people are giving a big “oh no she didn’t” to crazy right-wing war vet wingnut Joe Rehansky for writing a truly bizarre anti Don’t Ask Don’t Tell article – Salon had the best article on the whole mess, complete with…
Thursday Nibbles: Naked Street View Guy, Naked Skeptics, Free FaceTime and Streaming Porn on Black Friday
* Did you hear the one about the naked guy in the trunk (boot) of a car caught on Google Street View? Google deleted the image, but it sure is… curious. Curiously German? (news.cnet.com) * Everyone has discounts this friday, but who has free porn on Black Friday? Video on demand site Hot Movies for…
Wednesday Nibbles: Sex and the TSA, Porn in a Cup
* TSA, TSA, TSA. What a big fucking disaster. Just when we think it’s really bad, it somehow gets worse. A few days ago I posted Two Tales of TSA Sexual Assault on Techyum, where two individual sane and travel-savvy women blogged about getting the new pat-down and walked away sexually traumatized. One was a…