Image by Many rivers to cross. There were just too many penis news items in my tabs not to share them with you. It’s like, dick weekend or something. * UK Men: Written Consent for Sperm Use After Death ( Or, how to have a dead guy’s baby. Really. * The Semen Survey, Part I…
Category: Sex News
American nipples: Sex study praised as urgent wake-up call
Image by artsy_j. Now this is more like it. Leave it to The Onion to be hot on the trail of cutting edge sex studies this week, in the spirit of the recent headline-grabbing UK G-spot study. In Politics: Nation’s Nipples Severely Under-Clamped, U.S. Bureau Of Masochism Reports: WASHINGTON—A new study released this week by…
I’m in ur internets findin’ UR G-spots
Click to read; solar cell researchers to blame for recent g-spot study, by XKCD. Whenever we’re in doubt about sex research… if only XKCD could take over all media messages, and put things to rest. And when a topic close to me is covered by an XKCD comic, I feel like I finally really have…
Dude, where’s my G-spot?
It was there when I went to sleep. I woke up, and thought I’d parked it in front of my house, I mean the anterior wall of my vagina. Now it’s gone! Not really. Don’t believe the latest round of hype. It’s anecdotal, not physiological, and news outlets running the ‘g-spot is a myth’ story…
Gender genetics and sexual orientation evolution
Image by Nathan Appel. Two articles, one about male and female genes battling for domination as an ongoing life-long struggle, and one on asexuality as the fourth sexual orientation really caught my eye. I apologize that I can’t remember where I found them (the via), but since I can’t get them out of my head…
Actually, most commercial porn is dangerous because it might bore you to death
Image by artsy_j. The other risk with porn is that you may end up in anger management classes while waiting for your skintube video to buffer. Other than that, when you find hot porn, no one gets hurt unless they’ve carefully negotiated the scene beforehand and then asked the lady with the whip very nicely.…
Female sexual desire a la the NYT Magazine
Image by Half Pinay – Laretta Houston. There’s a really interesting, in-depth article about the research around women and sexual desire in the NYT Magazine. Caveat that it’s in the NYT Magazine because if you don’t clear your cookied or use some kind of bugmenot, they still make you log in to read it —…
UK university job offer to study lapdancing pays less than lapdancing
Just found this item: Leeds University advertises for lap dance research officer ( The advertised position is for: “Research Officer – The rise and regulation of lap dancing and the place of sexual labour and consumption in the night time economy”. The ad states that “prior experience of conducting research in the female sex industry”…
Female sex drive drug to hit US markets
Image “Heat” by Urban Photographer. It was a dark (and pathetically lame) day when Pfizer gave up on the “female Viagra” — because according to them, some of us are too complicated to merit continuing research. Even though Viagra itself works on the same erectile tissues that function during arousal in women as in men.…
Friday nibbles: The latest sex news and more
Image by BAS aka An Sophie & Bart ( Lots of interesting things going on in the world of sex… nibble away! * I am appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show next Tuesday, November 17th — the topic is women, erotica and pornography. I’m on the show with Jenna Jameson (heard of her?) and the…