Image of Justine Joli by Steve Diet Goedde for Stockroom. * Off topic: I’m in Joi Ito’s new book, Freesouls — with a lot of really heavy hitters in the technology arena. It’s a huge compliment, and the book looks incredible. * FriendFinder Networks, aka Adult Friend Finder / Penthouse Networks is going IPO public…
Category: Sex News
Top underreported sex stories of 2008
Image by Skye Shelly. A hugely amount of sex, tech, culture and health (and even sex-impacting legislative) stories are of great importance but never make it to mainstream media, and came in under the radar. In this week’s SF Chronicle I give these stories their due — and more. My column is titled The Child…
Wednesday nibbles
A very happy holiday wish to all readers, whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating tonight. Me, I’m in bed with a touch of the flu, looking at a night of solitude, Ricola, and Internet TV — actually a night like any other when I’m not out tearing up the town. I’d really hoped to…
Sex and sneezing: Condition defined by British researchers
Image by Marianna Gomes. I’ve long known about sneezing fetishism — those who collect and eroticize sneezing images, or those who get off watching a sneeze. For some, it’s the moment right before the sneeze that does it for them. But we’re not talking about them. (Though this article is interesting.) We’ve been told that…
If you suffer from “sexsomnia” raise your… Uh…
Image by artist Cornelie Tollens, via. I got really overly excited when I started to read Things that go bump in the night, which endeavors to cover sexual activity that occurs during sleep; I suppose that makes me a sexsomnia hopeful. A sexsomniac? Aside from my eagerness to be sleep-groped or trade my lifelong curse…
Good night, Bettie
Image via Marc Wathieu. I just unexpectedly burst into tears when I just got a text message saying: Bettie Page, icon, influencer of style and sweet fetish sexuality — has died ( Good night, Bettie. You changed my life for the better. You brought a smile to all of us, and turned us on at…
Like duh kids have “tech sex”
And I’m sure the real numbers are a lot higher than those who self-reported for this survey. I read about it this morning in the Telegraph UK, but there’s also a piece up on Ars Technica by one of my favorite writers there (Jacqui Cheng) explaining what we already knew: almost a quarter of kids…
Wednesday nibbles
Image by UrbanPhotographer2007. * Today is International Human Rights Day *and* Day Without A Gay. Huh? Has the world gone up in flaming flames? Nope: don’t call in sick to work, call in gay! (, * Also, being gay and married, unlike what certain people would have you think, actually does not kill you.…
Criminal charges for Craigslist rant
This is slightly off-topic, but still appropriate to share with you given what I’ve been through with trolls, stalkers, and restraining orders this year: A Colorado man accused of posting comments about his ex-girlfriend on the Web site Craigslist has been charged under a rarely used criminal libel law. (…) “Many people convince themselves it’s…
MSNBC on (some) female porn execs
Image by Michael Blue for Two Knotty Boys. It’s always a good day when a mainstream news outlet profiles women working in porn and sex stuff and doesn’t marginalize them, and just kind of talks about the whole thing like it’s normal — but contextualizes it as a business like any other. Because, like, I’ll…