Image of Allison Wonderland by the incredible Chad Michael Ward. The cabernet is next to me in my bedroom windowbox, overlooking the Castro. In the apartment I amazingly found on Craigslist — the famed Blogger Bungalow — I can actually see the rainbow flag at the corner of Market and Castro from my bed. It…
Category: Sex News
And we should all be shocked that judges are not celibate priests
Image via digatone. Moo. Snip from 9th Circuit’s chief judge posted sexually explicit materials on his website (fyi, Kozinski was appointed by Reagan but is a huge free speech advocate, and only people who knew the subdirectory could see his over-18 stash about which which he remarked, “People send me stuff like this all the…
Friday nibbles
Image of Justine Joli by Consensual Media. I’m thinking next week I should do this in a video version. What do you think? Fake newscaster, real sex news? I might just go for it… Here are your nibbles, enjoy! * Who isn’t a fan of Andrew Blake? I may not have been totally in love…
California wants to tax that ass
Image “Obey” by hirnpflaster. This week’s column is about the porn tax bill a California assemblytard wants to make into law, pretty much based on the notion that porn is bad. I’m oversimplifying — a LITTLE — and I’m about to run and meet Thomas and Tristan for lunch after a night of little sleep…
Great moments in fake sex news
Retro image via Ben Pearce. Over the years The Onion has served up some of my favorite sex reporting. Let’s hope they can keep it up. Because there’s a hell of a lot of fake sex news out there, and most of it isn’t trying to be funny. Here are my top picks: * Study:…
Always consider the right-leaning, fallacious source
Image by gecko.juice. I’ve been attacked, criticized, parodied and trolled quite a bit over the past year. Every time, I remember my close friend Lori‘s advice, from her mom: always consider the source. Which is why considering a recent blog post attack on sex work in San Francisco by Ben Wachs from the SF Weekly…
A minute of keeping up with the Lara Jade story
It was almost exactly a year ago when I wrote for the Chronicle about Lara Jade, whose image had been used without her permission for a porn boxcover — and all the twisted, fucked up turns the story took. When I wrote the piece I actually got the guy from TVX films on the phone…
The refined sex work clients of San Francisco
Image by Pedro Meyer via the things i see. In this week’s SF Chronicle column I ask some of our lovely, articulate local sex workers about the sex work market here in the Bay Area — specifically about their clients. What typifies a San Francisco “John”? Turns out, our local sex work clients are really…
Congratulations Mr. Sulu!
Yaaay! After 21 years of partnership (!ZOMFG!), George Takei is getting gay married! He announced it last week in a powerful blog post referencing his childhood in US forced Japanese internment camps, and saying about his fiancee, “He is my love and I can’t imagine life without him.” Here’s a cute snip from the BBC…
Kids are like DUH we know what oral sex is
From Reuters, more anti-abstinence education ammo. Plus, does anyone know where the oral sex for virginity teen myth originated? Was it some kind of Dr. Drew or Dr. Phil brainfart, like when Drew tells people that he has no idea why women might like anal sex? Hell, I can give you anatomical data. After a…