Category: Sex News

Image via MeeVee. By now you’re probably heard about the geriatrically-minded, stuck in the 1950s FCC planning a $1.4 million fine against 51 local TV stations across the Midwest and West which are ABC affiliates $27,500 each (a total of $1.43 million) for an NYPD Blue episode that aired in 2003. The issue? it showed…

Oh noes! Another tiger attack! Photo via Tokyo Undressed. * I told you to get your kids the PLAYstation, not the LAYstation. “MP3 Player Father Bought at Wal-Mart for Daughter, 10, Was Preloaded With Porn” (thanks, dr!) * My good friends at are now officially in the SF Armory! Congrats! Watch the kewl video.…

And I’m a little happier to see AP be a *bit* more respectful toward Emily Sander and her family in not calling her a “porn star”, though we still have far to go with the whole “secret” thing. Background here, snip here: A man suspected in the slaying of a college student who led a…

Hooray for this, trotting out my 1500th post! Now, on to the links… * “The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a bill saying that anyone offering an open Wi-Fi connection to the public must report illegal images including “obscene” cartoons and drawings–or face fines of up to $300,000.” What a terrible, ill-conceived…

Image of pal Dana DeArmond by Chase Lisbon for Supercult, via ponyXpress. Deadline accomplished, yay! Now back to our regularly scheduled sex blog, with some links I’ve been kicking around for the past few days. * Not About Love has relaunched and looks totally fucking hot. Hours of fun; lots of hosted galleries but some…