Category: Tech

Getting hot sex, romance, keeping sex hot, making love work: even if we believe honesty is the “best policy” I’ve noticed that it seems like we seldom practice what we preach. It’s usually with good intent, but still… I’ve been giving a lot of thought as to why people feel they need to lie, both…

As you may know, Steve Jobs is fighting the good fight and offering a world free from porn. First post credit goes to TechCrunch ( Freedom From Porn ( is a sign improvement group and highly organized, dangerous thought experiment showing the world what might happen if the world Steve Jobs is protecting us from…

Back in January 2009, I wrote Kids Charged for Child Porn Violet Blue: When Teens Make Their Own Porn, Who’s Being Exploited? (for the San Francisco Chronicle). In the article, I reported on the alarming news that teens in different US locales were caught sending each other racy self-portraits with their phones, and were facing…

Travelers to Australia are getting a little extra something now when they enter the country. Upon arrival, they’re greeted with a long line. Mistakenly thinking this is the beginning of all that globally-rumored Ausse hospitality, tourists eagerly queue up in the line for A-listers, exhausted after their long journey and thrilled to know they are…