Category: Tech

This time it’s their service Blogger, which has just marked famous UK sex blogger Girl With A One Track Mind as a spam blog, has blocked her from posting, and has threatened to delete her blog. Hell, she only *writes* about sex (no visual porn on her site) — and is one of the first…

And, yes, this starts as a shameless plug for my proposed panel Sexual Privacy Online. My description reads: Can anyone really be sexually anonymous online? How private is your sexual privacy? Outed “anonymous” sex bloggers, porn laws resulting in performers being stalked; Google’s history logs tracking all of us, paying for adult goods and services…

This is such a bummer because I’m a YouPorn user, and I’d hate to have to go back to using Yahoo to search for insta-amateur-porn vids next time I visit Berlin. Snip from Google Blogscoped: You probably knew Google self-censors Nazi material in Germany, but did you know they also self-censor adult stuff? And I’m…

Over on techyum, apols for the xpost but it’s important: No, really. It’s an actual Security Focus study, not some sexual compulsive religious nut ‘testifying’ before congress (I mean, another dubious study fabricated by the American Family Association). Check it out and read the whole damning thing, snip: School kids are more careful than community…

In my most recent post about Flickr censoring my photos *again* even after the very same photos had been officially approved by Flickr (I’m still waiting for them to fix the rest, please un-censor me, kthxbye), I suggested that someone ought to “write an article called ‘The MySpacing of Flickr.” Well, my dear friend Thomas…

Please help. My Wikipedia page does me no justice whatsoever. My press and publicity page has more info — and that’s not much. All I want for christmas is a Wikipedia page that looks like everyone else’s, rather than just a dry list of my books (and not even including the ones I’ve contributed to).…

My G-spot, location according to Google Maps. Was in a room of friends yesterday who were giddily reading parts of The Smart Girl’s Guide to the G-Spot aloud (over cocktails) and Hacker Boy said, “Hold on, I’ll find it!”