My talk: Sexual Identity (and ETech survivial)

me onstage

Image by Scott Beale/Laughing Squid — also here!

My ETech talk was great: you can read the text transcript of it here and look at the slidehsow of it here. I’m going to bug the O’Reilly people to find out when, where and — if — they’ll put the recorded talk online anywhere. It’s been extremely frustrating to have virtually no coverage to give you on this thing. People are giving talks, photographers are shooting, filming is happening but there’s little coverage on the ETech site for 2008 media save this Flickr photostream. Of course, if you watch mine you’ll see me and my personal experiences, and if you look at Scott’s you’ll get some great coverage — and peep the ETech 2008 tag you’ll get more than you can handle. I’m just really wishing there was video to show you.

Emotionally it’s been intense. Lots of love from my misfit posse, but the talk made me feel very exposed, and being ignored/dissed by an ex in the halls all day long made me feel like never wanting to do these things again (plus I’ve got a hater in the house here, yay). At the same time, I have a lot of strangers who seem extremely happy to meet me, and take pictures with me, and I love it.

But read my talk: some really important people were in the audience and told me afterward they loved it — it was the right thing to do. Now I go find beer, food, friends — and hope to avoid the awkwardness and confusion of being ignored openly by former intimates. No worry: I has family swirling about, like this miscreant:

beware the phone phreak

I just knew this meant trouble ;)

a murder of pros

pt's bag

Image by Scott Beale/Laughing Squid.

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  1. thank you! that means a lot to read.

    it was such a personal talk — but for the rest of the day and night I had SO many people coming up to me telling me it was great, or they heard it was awesome and they were bummed they missed it — I was even told it by more than one person it was their favorite talk @ ETech so far. phew. phew!

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