Erotic Mad Science: Sex and Science and Robots, Hooray!

Chimera by Niceman for Erotic Mad Science

There are so many fun posts over at Erotic Mad Science I don’t even know which ones to direct you to first – just teleport over and enjoy yourself. The images are explicit and fantastically curated, in addition to the fact that Dr. Faustus has been commissioning work from artists for the site’s Bespoke Art Gallery – smartly all under a Creative Commons license (3.0) so we can share the artwork far and wide. YAY!

There is an interview with the erotic mad scientist Dr. Faustus at Atrocidades ( Many of you know that I’m a huge sex robot enthusiast (to put it lightly) so Erotic Mad Science has me spinning in my office chair in delight – I also love that the blog is really well written and smartly edited. The kinky Dr. Faustus certainly knows his erotic mad science (fiction fantasy).

Image by Niceman commissioned for Erotic Mad Science. “A mad scientist is making a “chimera,” an amalgam of two existing women (“Thama” and “Philia”) as seen in the tubes. The resulting woman will have the skills and memories of both her antecedents….at their own independent existences. Nothing great comes without sacrifice….”

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