Weekend sex reads: Successful penis transplant, Twitter censors porn searches, Hollywood’s sex shot

Seven husbands have cravings for a same-sex tryst, and their wives can’t wait to watch — or join in. Pre-order the Bisexual Husbands ebook ($3.89) on Amazon.

  • Photographer Roger Kisby was at the porn awards on assignment for BuzzFeed this January (terrific photos), and did a couple of separate sets as well. The images above are from his series “Head,” photos of porn performers’ faces, and his other set AVN Bits is a wonderful NSFW series you won’t want to miss.
    Porn Stars From the Neck Up (Slate; image above via)
  • MP candidate, activist and UK sex worker Charlotte Rose provides a remedy that can’t be found in
    a hospital: she works through the TLC Trust, a UK-based organization which hosts a site for British sex workers to post profiles for disabled clientele.
    Life. Sex for all: A sex worker’s campaign for the disabled (Hopes and Fears)

Thank you to our sponsor, Nubile Films.

  • Ettore told The Huffington Post’s Italian outpost, “I was full of resentment for the expectations I’d built around them, and that simple sentence (“We’re gay”) tore me apart. Marriage, the chance of having grandkids… I started to feel afraid of touching my son, afraid of AIDS. I took them to see a psychotherapist for seven years, trying to ‘cure’ them. (…)”
    This Father Put His Two Gay Kids In Therapy When They Came Out. But Now… (Huffington Post)
  • Dell Williams, who in 1974, after being humiliated by a department-store clerk when she tried to buy a vibrator, was moved to start Eve’s Garden, the New York boutique widely described as the nation’s first sex shop catering specifically to women, died on Wednesday at her home in Manhattan. She was 92.
    Dell Williams, Founder of Sex Boutique, Dies at 92 (NYT)
  • A genital shot being touted as a cure for flagging sex drive in women has made its way from Hollywood to New Zealand, but would-be users are being warned to do their research before rushing for treatment. The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) shot has made its way to New Zealand after featuring in celebrity goody bags at the Academy Awards and after years of being administered in Europe and the United States.
    Sex shot: godsend or gimmick? (Stuff NZ)

  • TF discovered that several porn producers have teamed up in an effort to force ISP Virgin Media to hand over the names and addresses of an estimated 1,500 subscribers said to have downloaded and shared adult content without permission. The companies – Sunlust Pictures (founded in 2009 by former porn actress Sunny Leone and very active in US porn trolling), Combat Zone Corporation and Pink Bonnet, Consultores de Imagem LDA – none of which appear to be based in the UK, worked with Wagner & Co, a London lawfirm previously known for working with another troll, GoldenEye International.
    Virgin Customers Targeted in New Porn Piracy Shakedown (TorrentFreak)
  • Surgeons from Stellenbosch University and Cape Town’s Tygerberg Hospital have performed the world’s first successful penis transplant. The nine-hour operation was performed Dec. 11 on the 21-year-old recipient, who made a full recovery and regained all functions in the transplanted organ, the South African university said in a statement Friday.
    Doctors Perform the World’s First Successful Penis Transplant (Bloomberg)

<3 to our sponsors in Spain, women-run Lust Cinema.

  • What’s a “weird” scene for a porn performer? In an industry whose function is creating fantasies, its no surprise that occasionally things go from turns-ons to bizarre in the world of adult entertainment. There have been hide-and-seek with pots of noodles, overly amorous clowns, girl scouts with Satan and more.
    Porn Stars Discuss The Weirdest Scenes They’ve Ever Starred In (So Bad, So Good)
  • Twitter is stepping up its battle against user abuse and harassment with new rules that prohibit the posting of revenge porn — images of nudity or sexual acts posted without the subject’s permission.
    Twitter rule changes clamp down on revenge porn (CNET)

Thank you to our sponsor and friends, Pink Label TV.

  • A guy who writes two semen cookbooks — you figure he haunts the thirstier rings of obsession, beyond the arid, salty porn fields of mere compulsion and fetish. “I don’t mind if people think it’s weird,” Paul Photenhauer says with a giggle. “I know it’s taboo. I just love the idea of opening up and bringing it up on the agenda.”
    Seed Saver (Lucky Peach)
  • Forty pages into her new memoir, The Wild Oats Project, Robin Rinaldi has mined every modern female [sexual] anxiety: fear of being alone; boredom in monogamy; a ticking biological clock; a husband who doesn’t want children; a marriage devoid of passion. What follows is occasionally as hackneyed as the book’s subtitle, “One woman’s midlife quest for passion at any cost.”
    How My Wild Sex Drive Killed My Marriage (Daily Beast)
  • The mystery sex drug: Did you read last week’s “Modern Love” column in the NYT? It’s a lovely portrait of a heteronormative marriage. But there’s something missing. What was the name of this mysterious wonder drug that turns a wife who always has a headache into Mrs. Roper? The answer is Requip (generic name ropinirole)…
    Mystery Solved: The Super Sex Drug Not Mentioned in the Times’ Modern Love column (Observer)

Thank you to our sponsor in the UK, Joybear.

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