fix push mission hipster spoof beats fixie culture with its own white belts

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Fixie culture; are we sick enough of it yet already? Fixed gear bikes are the trucker hat, the white belt, the universal sign of non-ironic hipster culture -- and fixie peeps are rabid. But not as hardcore as the "Fix-Push" culture, who face discrimination and fashion facism every day of their dedicated fix push lives. Is it a fixed gear skateboard trend? NO. It's a lifestyle. It's also a clever spoof ("I'm not going to ride 20 miles if I can *push* 20 miles"), it's filmed all over the city and I love seeing the hand--push railslides (yes, even at 3-up 3-down, aka The Armory). The video(s) are well done, and even copy the font/logo design of the fixie culture documentaries they're ripping on. Here's a trailer for Fix-Push 2:

Thanks, Evil Signtist!

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