BBC News gets a right royal spanking

Image via darkbeans. I also found this cute vintage spanking collection.

So it looks like BBC News decided to follow in Guardian UK’s recent BDSM-y text-steps and attempts to report on the Max Mosley lawsuit, whilst explaining BDSM to the masses — and manages to mangle the piece nicely with sensationalism and prudery to an extent that surprises even me. It’s actually kind if funny, and it’s not just me who felt that way: Seattle Stranger’s SLOG also thought it was hee-larry-us (and rather hypocritical), and they weighed in with Who Would Jesus Flog? (Himself). But for me, the final giggle came when I’d waded through the whole teeth-gnashing, hair-pulling, hysterical ‘spanking leads to brutal murder’ piece and got to the reader comments. After Britain’s secretive S&M scene, BBC readers waste no time telling BBC off, and my favorite line was “There’s nothing more British than a right royal spanking followed by a nice cup of tea. It helped build the Empire.” How civilized. Sorry BBC; times have changed, and this is FAIL. (Thanks for the SLOG link, Tyler!)


  1. You have to understand it’s the Nazi-themed aspect of this that’s a big deal. In Germany anything Nazi is illegal so the “Off-limits” nature of the theme is probably part of the draw then add in BDSM and … holy cow that’s got to be a me good times! Then add the fact that Max’s dad was part of the British Nazi party. “Not only is Mosley a sadist but he’s a Nazi too”. OMG!!! Well the people that don’t like Max think that any way. The whole Formula One world is full of this kind of back stabbing, intrigue, sex parties and you name it. It makes hollywood look like a pony ride. ummm… I like pony rides…. Gitty Up. ;)

    Oh I do’t like Nazis though

  2. Yes, I read this and also watched the Max Mosley video.
    All in all I think the press must be bored stiff to make such a big deal about it and as for what the BBC wrote about the BDSM scene – I just cringed, it certain lead me to believe that the author had never spent any time at all on the t’internet, was a nun or had zero feeling or desires in their entire life.

    It was a strange article indeed.

    Hi btw :)

  3. @ Outis – no, by the time I got there it was already wonderfully out of control. I *did* however comment on this, and given the sex-negative feminism oozing from the text, it’s no surprise that my comment (or rather, a comment from me) didn’t make the page:

    I was commenting that Playboy had actually contacted me May 23, and had planned to run the piece in June but it got delayed until July. at the last minute they changed the editorial part to reflect and capitalize on the salaciousness of the XJ-VB hookup, which I thought was handled well enough but didn’t do the piece any favors. (Playboy politely warned me that the editorial change had happened so I wasn’t caught off guard.) I also added on the DollyMix comment that none of us were told prior it was a voting thing, nor a contest to pose. I might have behaved differently about it had I known. but, DollyMix didn’t approve my comment. I had no idea it would be like BB, and to comment I’d better screencap the evidence so I had proof…

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