Cutting-edge Gardasil handout

cutting-edge gardasil handoutMy doc is active in USCF studies about HIV and sexual health in genereal; he told me there are new studies happening @ UCSF about connections between HPV and cancer — not just genital cancers, but lung and other kinds of cancers. For women *and heterosexual men*. That they’re finding strains of HPV in lung cancers could mean that the shot likely prevents a lot more — and could save lives in more ways — than anyone thinks. But as my doc put it, the sexual politics in this nation will keep awareness about it difficult to publicize. I’m trying to get more info and do some interviews in the meantime. This is his most current handout; it explains quite a bit (click text or image to enlarge, then “all sizes” to read the information).

Update: I made it into a .pdf file that can be downloaded here.

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  1. For years they could not get oral contraceptives approved for use in Japan, until after the SWIFT approval of Viagra for all those tiger penis snorting men. The Japanese women said, “Screw this ‘waiting to see if it’s safe’ crap for decades. Hypocrites!”

    Well, perhaps the same tactic to women’s (and men’s) advantage is to not say that this will help stop women from getting cervical cancer, but that it will stop men from getting cancer of the penis/testes. Trust me, once men think this will keep their precious equipment safe and sound and from rotting off their bodies, they won’t think of the women it will save, only their own precious tool and family jewels. Have your friend show how it may reduce testicular cancer and it will be approved faster than you can say “HYPOCRITES!!!!”

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