Image “Scream” by billybofh, also seen in the Scream Queens — Beautiful Horror Flickr pool.
Here are a few distractions to get you in the mood for tonight… Check out the super creepy nude photography of ciphotodesign (Javier S. Sanudo). Homemade Sex Toys tells you a million different ways you can “ride the orange pony” (pumpkin sex, eeep!) I really thought Bella Vendetta’s graveyard set at Fleshbot was the sexiest thing they’ve posted about Halloween yet. Lux also hit the mark with this short roundup of Halloween-appropriate porn films. For Flickr members who want some work-safe Halloween movie nerd distraction today, check out the Name That Film pool, which is really hopping with horror movie goodness right now (thanks, Brad!)
If you think the Fantasy Fest 2008 bodypainting pics by ErosArtists (like the one below from this set) are amusing, look at more on their site — the whole gallery is huge and boob-tastic.

Image by ErosArtists.
And, also via Lux, the really really bad Muffy the Vampire Layer: