Image of the Extra Action Marching Band by me from this set; a great night.
On the other hand, it makes me want to raise my hand and shout “pick me! pick me!” to give sexual harassment training to Extra Action. Which is pretty much what they’ve (lovingly) done to me over the past 5 years or so… Snip:
When he was hired as director of the loud, rowdy Cal Aggie Marching Band at UC Davis, nobody told Tom Slabaugh about the tradition of “naked van.”
But on last year’s road trip to the football game with Portland State, a trumpet player yelled “naked van!” and everybody in the vehicle – men and women alike – stripped to their underwear.
Slabaugh ordered band members to put their clothes back on, but they ignored him, he said in a memo to university officials.
Meanwhile, a sousaphone player and a clarinetist wrote “I BOOBS” in masking tape on the van’s window, causing a motorist who saw the van on I-5 in Oregon to complain to the university.
The naked van episode was one in a series of “ridiculous, disturbing and offensive” incidents, some of them alcohol-fueled, that Slabaugh says he witnessed in his year with the Cal Aggies, according to a copy of his memo obtained by The Chronicle.
On the band’s fall retreat in 2007, four drunken band members were caught urinating in a dormitory elevator, and at band picnic day, four others took their uniform pants down and simulated the incident for a photographer. At outdoor rehearsals, male band members dropped their pants to get a laugh, while women sometimes stripped to their bras, he wrote, and one evening practice was disrupted when a bass drummer began performing lap dances. (…read more!)
On another note, I just found out that this video I shot while working for the band at one of their David Byrne gigs has been stolen and re-uploaded to YouTube by this jerkass.
There is a difference between rowdy fun and hazing.
Hazing is wrong. Rowdy fun is just rowdy fun. As long as everyone is not being disrespected or feels sexually harrassed then have a good time.
“This one year, at band camp…”