Image by bodyscape.
A number of people have let me know this week that some images (not all — and it’s seemingly random, including images linked from Flickr) on my blog are not showing up. This is thanks to Adblock Plus, which, as it turns out and many people are informing me, is blocking oodles of non-ad, non-porn, legitimate content — Internet-wide. Not just on sites like mine.
Read: Are Adblock-Plus Visitors Seeing Your Content?
It’s an older article, but clearly something’s recently changed with Adblock Plus. If you’re having trouble seeing my images, see if you can set my site (or feed) as “safe” in AP. I have no ads on this website. Here’s the transparency: Every business linked to in my right hand sidebar is NOT an advertiser; they are affiliates and almost every single one of them is run by a personal friend (I usually create the thumbnail art myself). It took a while for me to even be okay with being an affiliate, even with friends. Other than that, I am sponsored by a couple of companies (but I receive no payment from them): Nokia, Virgin Helio, Laughing Squid, Libsyn, Blip.tv, Qik. I run a few widgets, and have an Amazon affiliate account, with sidebar widget. That’s it. Additionally, I do not do link trades (I delete those emails on sight), nor do I take payment for endorsement for linking. I’d probably make money if I did accept ads on this site, but I think it would undermine my credibility and mission here. So there’s no reason for an ad blocker to censor images on Tiny Nibbles.
@Michael — I’ve let the team at Kink know about the problem. thank you! I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I was doing, checked all my image names, locations… didn’t consider that Kink would have some of their galleries on a domain starting with ‘ads’…
In http://www.tinynibbles.com/blogarchives/2009/01/pretty-girl-friday-international-fetish-day-edition.html
Show up in my list of items/blocked items, tripping the “http://ads.” and “.assoc-amazon.” filters.
I didn’t know there was an assoc.amazon filter in there before (never noticed it) but I don’t know why meninpain.com (and publicdisgrace and whippedass) is serving regular pictures off a domain beginning with “ads.”
@Michael, can you point me to anything here that begins with that string?
Well, it’s blocking stuff that starts “http://ads.” which is pretty much what I expect it to do…
I just went to the ABP control center embedding in my browser and selected “disable on http://www.tinynibbles.com‘.
Everything seems to be working fine now.
it appears to be the EasyList (easylist.adblockplus.org) subscription blocking pretty much anything with the string affiliate in it. augh. might need to find another blocker. sigh.