Image by Danny Sullivan, which accompanied his 2007 search engine land article.
Via Lawgeek, and not terribly sex related but a *great* read nonetheless — Why I Left Facebook: By mollyschoemann, snip:
Because every damn time I signed on to Facebook, my feed went like this:
[Girl you found distasteful in high school]: Has posted pictures from her wedding!
Click here to view her photos, while wondering if perhaps you misjudged her, back in the day. Find photos distasteful, even for wedding photos. Feel slightly depressed, if also vindicated.
[Person you barely talk to who lives in a different city]: Is home from work!
[Guy you had several ill-advised hookups with three years ago]: Has compared you to his other friends!
Click here if you find this somehow enraging. Click around some more, trying to figure out whom you have been compared with, but give up after a few minutes. Feel somehow violated.(…read more, mollyschoemann.wordpress.com)
And more on the pop culture social network beat, but more directly about sex: a number of people sent me this Washington Post “story” about a “study” regarding kids “risky behavior” on MySpace (lots of quotes, all mine). My response was not polite so I never blogged it but here’s how I *really* feel anyway:
I saw this when it came out and thought it was the most ridiculous
thing I’ve read in a long time. do they know how many 50-year-old
dudes identify as 18-year-olds on MySpace? so of course someone’s
going to change the profile (and likely make a new one) once they
think they’re being “watched” by an authority figure. plus, many kids
maintain their friends’ pages, and from the actual study research I’ve
read, actual kids don’t take what goes on their MySpace seriously but
mimic shit for status; they get their sex ed elsewhere. plus, anything
that uses MySpace as a measure for actual self-disclosure for kids (or
adults) are idiots.I just shake my head and sigh. there’s no way to get accurate data on
risk assessment from trolling MySpace. and no these people don’t know
thing 1 about harm reduction (for any age)….
So why are you adding friends to your facebook who are not your friends? Just ignore them and you never see updates from them. Seems pretty easy to me…