Image by Rikki Kaso / Tokyo Undressed.
The New Year’s party at my house, and all the live uploading tech- and absinthe-enabled hijinks were a success! What an incredible, fun party — filled with so many people I love, and new friends too. Many friends were missing, but perhaps next year… This year, people ran around with the Eye-Fi enabled camera and shot crazy photos (KumiMonster, the hostess with the mostess shot some naughty upskirts of me, which then *someone* posted to my Twitter stream *and* put on my desktop to greet me in the very fuzzy hungover sticky-floor morning). This was followed by a rush of male “upskirt” images. Kumi, by the way, is funny, sweet, ultra-smiley and super-smart. What a cool person; no pretension, a total good-time sassy Sally. The 12 Seconds webcam via my laptop got lots of use and plenty of fearlessly fun videos were shot — I had the fun of watching them all the next day, great surprises, all. Guests blogged a bit on the house blog; and delightfully, Scott Beale helped me coordinate the guests and then to my surprise, shot the party.
* Scott’s highly complimentary post is on Laughing Squid. All his terrific photos are here.
* Geeked.info has a fantastic writeup of the insanity here (yes, photo by me!)
* Extra thanks to Good Vibrations for donating so many sex toy goodies as NYE ’09 gifts, I may not hear back from my friends for a while.

Image of me and Kumi by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid.
I was really blown away at how much fun we all had, and how well so many diverse cultures came together. If I didn’t have you over, don’t despair; my apartment is small and I’ll get you next time (evil laugh). I can remember seeing (to name a few) John Law, Lori Dorn, Doc Pop, Scott Beale, Tantek, Sean Kelly and Anneke, Mikl-Em and Danielle, Ed Hunsinger (and Mooflyfoof!), Syd Blakovich, Jiz Lee, KumiMonster, Leah Culver, Ariel Waldman, Midori made a surprise visit, Fyodor, Steve Dekorte, Mark Growden, Kevin Kash, Alex, Eve Batey, Richard Kadrey, Michael Shiloh, Irina Slutsky, Colette Vogele, Brian Normanly, Unwoman, The Jof… and so many more! Gala Darling was much missed.

Image of me by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid.
I am fairly certain that Mark Growden was the lucky cameraman on the re-enactment of a Crash Pad Series scene on my bed (where the HELL was I!?!?) starring Syd, Jiz and Kumi… a few cherry-picked faves from that NSFW scenario are after the jump. Happy New Year everyone; let’s hope this kind of love, friendship and warmth brings us through 2009, and gets us all a much-needed dose of prosperity for spreadin’ the karmic love around.

Image by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid.

Image by me: the old mug meets the new mug!
Eye-Fi Crash Pad madness — what happens in a room off to the side, when the party rages on:

Next time there will be less clothes and I will make sure you will not miss the action.