Image from this Ultimate Surrender gallery, which may not be totally appropriate for this post but I couldn’t resist showing Madison kicking ass.
In case you didn’t know, being an adult woman and a member of the itty bitty titty committee isn’t exactly easy when it comes to bra shopping — especially when you want something sexy. I am somewhat outside of this club, but a friend emailed me today with her excited discovery: sexy lingerie (corsets, bridal stuff, very sexy bras) for women of the “A” and under. This stuff is hard to find. She found a gold mine that must be shared at Lula Lu, which has a) this incredibly hot model, and cute bras like this. Tiny adorable nipples can be seen here and there on the site as well, in case that’s what you’re wondering…
Thanks for the link. I’m soooo tired of only finding padded bras in my size for sale. Just because I’m not a Double D doesn’t mean I want padding!
I was the most flat chested teenager, I could never find a bra, I wore the ugliest training bras until one morning when I woke up and BOOM, there were the pontoons I had always prayed for. Little did I know that there would be no bras for me on that side of the line either. I’m always glad to see cute stuff for the itty bitty girls because I remember what that was like. Now if only Coco de Mer would start stocking the DDs and Es…
Hooray for itty bitty titties and sites on which to shop for pretties for them! Thanks for the link…
PS – I am new to your blog but enjoying it very much!
I’m very, very far on the other side of the boobie spectrum, and it’s hard to find sexy stuff over here, too. Stupid fashion industry. Grr.
Awesome, thank you.
A sustaining member of the itty bitty titty committee