From the top, that’s pretty much the order I want my fantasy to begin. Each of these three insanely arousing photos were taken by photographer Jonathan Leder, whose website is filled with even more eroto-stills to drive you crazy (you can tell they’re working on me; it’s one of those nights). I remember reading on a few blogs last Fall that Leder had released a then-new Polaroid series, which you can see on his site, in anticipation of a new phase of some sort. It doesn’t look like much has happened since then, but I can only hope for him to start a blog or a new collection to share with you soon.
Adblock Plus blocks some of the images you post with your blog entries.
Everything from Fetish day back to Harry Potter’s penis doesn’t have an image when I run ABP.
I’m on a mac, running 10.5, FF3.
Hope this helps.
anon, what is adblock plus doing? I mean, I’ll troubleshoot it later but if you have any specifics, let me know if it only hates the widgets, etc…
Fabulous! Thanks for sharing.
well, there goes my morning.
btw, adblock plus for firefox hates your site. you might want to warn people to disable it for tinynibbles.com.