Photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid when Scott and I ran into the MacHeads filmmakers at Macworld 2009 yesterday.
If you’re in town and attending San Francisco’s Macworld 2009, tonight at 6:15 in room 134 of the North Hall of the Moscone Center is the premiere of MacHeads: The Movie. I’ll be there. Scott has a great post about it on Laughing Squid — and it looks like I’m being cited on cNet UK for my racy segment in the film (“Prominent sex blogger and renowned Apple fangirl Violet Blue declares passionately that she’d never sleep with a Windows user.” cnet.co.uk). Apparently I was also on TV last night — ABC 7 (I had no idea) — for ABC’s segment on the documentary. The film was two long years in the making, and as the filmmakers Kobi Shely and Ron Shely of Chimp 65 Productions told me at Macworld yesterday it will be released, fittingly, on iTunes. I’m so excited to *finally* see it! After yesterday’s sparse attendance and gloomy mood at the Expo, it’ll be great to be reminded about all the quirky and episodic elements that make a brand (and its tools and products) into a community, as strange as that sounds.

Hilariously, ABC states my quote as, “…says she has never knowingly dated a Windows user.” Dated? Why, their substitute of the word “dated” for what I actually said is so very dated in and of itself. Since the post went up on Laughing Squid I’ve gotten poked by Windows users, flirted with by Mac and Linux hotties alike, from various parts of the Internet and Twitterverse about my quote — though know I said a lot more about Windows, Mac and how they relate to sex in the documentary. My actual quote is: “I never knowingly slept with a Windows user, ever, never!”
Here’s this:
Update: Daniel Terdiman at cNet got my quote right! It’s a good write-up, too: Review: ‘MacHeads,’ a documentary on the Mac faithful (news.cnet.com)
Update 1.08.09: Ars Technica reviewed the film in Macworld.Ars: MacHEADS movie premieres to crowd of Mac heads and I’m featured in the review! YAY! I’m such an Ars fangirl, it really made my day. And the film was really, really fun — and creepy and funny and everything you’d expect. They said it’ll be on iTunes by the end of the month. I was surprised at how much I’m in it, and am really pleased with the way they edited my interview throughout the film. The amazing thing about the film was that it’s really a narrative, a story about brand and community and Apple’s history from the users’ point of view, and it had such strangely synchronistic timing with the recent Apple news about Jobs and the withdrawal of Apple from Macworld, plus the surreal, sparse and anticlimactic feel of the whole expo. The film’s really a must-see for computer nerds of all kinds. Watch it in a group, with pizza. And beer.
Thank you Violet, we wish we had filmed more of your interview, you are a striking intelligent person and we wish you all the best. We hope to have a chance to feature you on our next project
all the best
Kobi and Ron
In that particular fantasy, nobody gets much sleep anyway.
“Prominent sex blogger and renowned Apple fangirl Violet Blue declares passionately that she’d never sleep with a Windows user.”
Well, heck.