Self-portrait goofing around with Peter Acworth.
Things exploded here in San Francisco this week with Kink.com when two things happened: one, Kink got kicked out of a local state funded, nonprofit job enhancement training program — BAVC. I know a couple readers here not only have attended BAVC, but also have taught there, and are friends of mine, and have gone on to great careers in film making and film teaching at art colleges across the nation. Kink was totally eligible to have their employees take classes there with state funds — as are almost all California businesses despite what products the businesses produce.
The fucked up kicker was that they got kicked out thanks to a total douchebag who writes for local paper SF Weekly — and then Mr. Matt Smith not only gleefully bragged about his role in getting Kink denied continuation of their rightful benefits (that they too pay taxes for) — Smith took the opportunity to make it a very ugly piece of writing (that he got paid for, ahem) and wrote all kinds of fucked up shit about Kink torturing women, making terror porn, and generally demonizing porn, the people who make it and people who make, love and enjoy BDSM.
So I did a little research, a lot of interviews (quotes from Lorelei Lee, BAVC and Peter Acworth for instance), and kindly directed Mr. Smith to grab his ankles at around 8:00 AM. Not in the way we enjoy. At the moment, he’s gone completely hysterical on the Weekly’s blog. And I’m not done with him yet.
Please read and find all relevant links in SF Weekly’s Matt Smith Screws Kink.com: Unfair, Unbalanced, Malfeasant Journalism, snip:
On Wednesday, SF Weekly’s Matt Smith took his torture porn fantasies beyond the realm of safe, sane and consensual to gloat over how his actions caused Kink.com to get screwed out of legitimately earmarked BAVC job training funds, threatening a community training program that Smith, himself, has benefited from to the tune of 184 hours.
Here’s the situation: Smith recently submitted an inquiry about Kink.com to the California Entertainment Training Program (ETP). He received a response from the ETP’s general counsel, which said, in part:
“Since learning about Kink.com through your Public Records Act request, ETP has informed BAVC that it will no longer reimburse the cost of training the employees of Cybernet.”
and then removed Kink from the list of subsidized applicants, kicking Kink out of the nonprofit Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC).
As tempting as it is to immediately scapegoat Smith for this, you can’t — after all, all he did is submit a public records request, right? It’s not as though he attempted to incite a harmful scandal simply for the purpose of writing about it.
It’s Smith’s actions following his request that are deserving of scrutiny. The resulting article, “Whipped and Gagged,” is infused with (unrepentant) and sensational anti-porn biasm with accusations that Kink is soaking up taxpayer dollars to create “torture based pornography” and “depicting sexualized torture”. Despite the one-sided commentary and airtime Smith devoted to local anti-porn feminist Melissa Farley’s two-year-old comments repulsively comparing Kink’s product to Abu Ghraib, he certainly knew his way around Kink’s websites and content enough to frill up the Fox News-style hit piece.
According to BAVC’s Director of Training and resources at BAVC Mindy Aronoff, Smith more than nonconsensually screwed the pooch with his biased reporting. Aronoff stated, “Mr. Smith’s lazy attempt to jump on the “bad government spending” bandwagon is dangerous in its disregard for this bigger picture and the economic realities of our state. His questions of government spending and censorship are an unfortunate case of reactionary sensationalism that could threaten the ETP program at BAVC.”
While what Smith has to say about Kink’s product doesn’t surprise me — a man is entitled to his own opinion. What is harder to forgive is to see opinion conflated with media coverage in a weekly whose holdings are out of state, with actual harm inflicted on local businesses (and nonprofits) under the guise of journalistic reporting. (…read more, sfappeal.com)
Mr. Smith, the Princess will see you now.

Updates: The SF Appeal piece broke this one wide open. A source at Kink tells me that the story was on the 6 o’clock news last night and KTVU paid a visit to the Armory (writeup here). It’s also been picked up all over the place, like The Rumpus, Reason Magazine, Pro Porn Activism, Huffington Post (where we learn “The Bay Guardian reached out to Matt Smith for an interview regarding his article, which Smith denied.”). Thanks everyone for your support!
I’ve been a fan for quite some time and applaud you for showing such restraint (pun intended). This was a gross abuse of power on Mr. Smiths part and only demonstrates his short sighted views. Think he would be open to a hug followed by a ball gag and then a spanking?
no problem — you all don’t get to see the lovely anti porn comments people are trying to leave on this post, calling me sick, degraded, perverted, etc.
they just jealous ;)
VB, can you clarify your critique of the language in the article? It’s pretty uncontroversial for some BDSM to be characterized as “torture” — isn’t that the “T” in CBT? And “impalement” is also standard hyperbole.
Searching kink.com for these terms turns up a few hits in these contexts, see:
(sorry for the possible double-post, I mis-typed my email address)
Ah my bad I thought sistersfan was Violet in response to my previous reply.
In all honestly we wouldn’t have even heard about this and all the other great information if it wasn’t for you and other professionals like you! We live in the land of zion, the chosen people that have stuck our nose in your state affairs in the not so distant past! Yes I am talking about our beloved state of Utah! Were polygamy is still practiced in there sacred temple, (They have code words for this called ‘sealing’ where one man can be spiritually married to more then one woman, you just can’t practice it till you get to the other-world called the Celestial Kingdom).
Yet if anyone else practices any other type of sexual practices other then what they prescribe then your a sick and perverted and will most likely end up in the terrestrial kingdom. The MoPos, an acronym I made up for the great church that police the worlds mating rituals and consumption will argue over whether or not a beauty shop is immoral if the hair stylist are dressed in bikinis. I can go on and on and on, but who cares right? Who cares about the square state of Utah! Well I think you should care, and the reason is that the information that I read from your website or the information that I hear from your podcast I secretly plant into the MoPos. Being that all of my family, our Mormons, and the majority of my associates are also they get to hear about the mystical, intelligent woman from the fallen state of California! I have a sneaking suspicion that a few of them have even subscribed to your podcast, but there still in the closet about it. Its important to me that you keep on educating us laymen about the world of sexuality. Because if you don’t and other proffesionals like you don’t educate we will be lost to the drummer of Chris Buttars who recently said that the gay community is worse then the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah
So if you can’t find it in the goodness of your heart to produce more podcast perhaps you can take another direction! Maybe you can keep on producing your brilliant and thought provoking material to spite the likes of Smith and But tars.
VB, can you clarify your critique of the language in the article? It’s pretty uncontroversial for some BDSM to be characterized as “torture” — isn’t that the “T” in CBT? And “impalement” is also standard hyperbole.
Searching kink.com for these terms turns up a few hits in these contexts, see:
This scott twit is most definitely one of those closeted porn addicts I’m sure.
Freedom is the distance between church and state. FFS!
Now I know why there was no update to public disgrace today – folks are not getting the training they need. Seriously though, I wonder how many religious groups are getting free training from the same program? I have an objection to tax dollars being spent on that…
Hello There Violet,
The only pleasure that I get from my work is the ability to listen to your podcast! Since I discovered them, my wife and I have become avid fans of yours! However, there have been no podcast of late, and the last one was a bit sad. So for the sake of my sanity can you find the mic again and speak to us?