Image taken by dotBen and instantly uploaded to Flickr with my Nokia N95 8GB.
Sent this email after seeing this front page article online and in print Sunday, especially after what happened with my column last week:
Hi Joe [Garofoli],
Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your piece on George Tiller and Bill
O’Reilly, and was delighted that you also see the newsworthiness of
this important story that I also covered earlier in the week on the
Gate (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2009/06/04/violetblue0604.DTL).However, I was disappointed to see that the opportunity was missed to
reference or quote (and hyperlink, in the case of the web-edition)
some of the material on my piece, especially around my deeper
investigation of Bill O’Reilly’s language and verbiage in this issue
— such as the fact I included which supports your piece that Tiller’s
name first appeared on “The Factor” on Feb. 25, 2005.*I also think it would have been great to have indicated that the Gate
broke this news earlier in the week and also to highlight some of the
exclusive content on the SFGate website that I know many readers of
the print edition often miss.Best wishes,
Violet Blue
* Incidentally, Garofoli’s article cited 2006 as the earliest date of Tiller on “The Factor.”
May I suggest you title that pic “World Domination”? What a fantastic shot! I second recreating it for a calendar, I’d buy it!
Dear Ms. Blue:
May I suggest that you ask dotBen and your other shutterbug friends to re-shoot this and eleven of your recent portraits with a better camera/lighting and create a 2010 calendar? Perhaps split the take with the charity of your choice? I promise to buy $100 worth of them for my kinkier friends.
Just a thought…