Great new sex toy videos from Tantus

Above is the short new video from Tantus about the B-Bomb (a toy they recently sent me that I can’t recommend high enough — I LOVE it). This video is one in a series of about 30 short product videos they just released on their YouTube channel, primarily for retailers to use in their online stores. However, I think they’re extremely handy for consumers — not only do they explain each toy’s benefits and care in a short, concise video, but they include absolutely accurate sex information as well. Imagine how excited I was to watch and see that they’d combined accurate sex info with toy specs. I’ve always liked Tantus because we share a similar sex-positive, educational and safety (pleasure-focused) mission about sex. And these videos definitely get my sticky stamp of approval.

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  1. It’s such a delight watching her talk about it…. not in a hot sexy way…. she just oozes a sort of genuine fun-loving demeanor… and that’s probably important if you’re selling sex toys.

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