Image of Gabriella from this gallery.
It was a quiet weekend on the blog — but behind the scenes I’ve been slaving away. I’m getting ready for a site-wide sex ed update/relaunch on all of the information here — making all the info current and adding cutting-edge multimedia means of sharing the info. Big, big thanks are going to go out to some major corporations and companies, and a few small yet exciting startups, who are working with me to make the new tech happen. Some are making very specific product development features just for the mix of education and access to products I’m blending here — it’s neat stuff.
Here are a few sneek peek pages as yet formally unlinked so you can see what I’m finishing up for the high-tech sex ed blog relaunch:
* Rimming 101: a HowTo Guide for Everyone
* Rimming 102: a HowTo for Experienced Players
* MEMORANDUM (erotica by N.T. Morley)
* Male Anatomy for External Pleasure
In the meantime, I’ve had phone failure misery for the past week: but what’s exciting is that people have been giving me phones to play with and try out (in hopes I’ll feature their apps/phones/companies, etc.).
The Helio/Virgin Ocean finally died as a phone but still works as a mobile text and photo delivery device. By far, this has had the best coverage and connection of any phone I’ve owned or payed with (I’ve had 3G for years). It allowed me, even though broken, to take these on the scene accident photos yesterday and have them instantly online (Twitter and Flickr) before major news outlets.
They never sent me an Ocean 2, so I don’t think I’ll go that route. I’ve been offered a new iPhone to show off an about-to-be-launched video application, but AT&T is so horrifyingly bad, I’m concerned AT&T’s lameness would interfere with my ability to be able to show off how cool the video app is. The Andrioid G2 (a developer version) I’ve been playing with is fun and small, but had to hacked for me to run it on the AT&T network which — really, you have no idea — AT&T seriously sucks here in San Francisco. So many people here have iPhones that no one can really get any service; AT&T isn’t scaling to meet user needs. And yes, I’ve heard that the iPhone will likely be on other networks sometime next year, but that does nothing for me (or anyone else) right now. I like the Android and it’s natively on T-Mobile. But the biggest drawback to the Android, which is a gem otherwise, is that the video is absolute crap. Here’s an example video I shot with Eon McKai in my house this weekend and emailed to Flickr. That’s at the *highest* quality. Sad.
Nothing has come close to the quality of the Nokia N95-4 (8G) — 5mp, Carl Zeiss lens, TV quality video, and once I hacked around o it a bit, easy uploading to Flickr (image and video), 12seconds, Qik and I can feed all of instantly it to my Facebook or Twitter if I want. The problem for me is the lack of qwerty keyboard. No one’s put the user-friendly text interface with multimedia apps into a phone with good quality image creation and delivery means. Yes, I played with a Palm Pre (five steps to take a photo — ugh). No, I haven’t tried the new Blackberry Tour but it’s on my list. I’m about to be sent a Nokia N97 (not to be confused with the N79, which is a yawn) and that’s where my bets are being placed…
Showing you images, video, and my explanations as it all happens is an extremely important way of maintaining my relationship with you. I’m going to always keep trying to figure out how to make it happen.
And, so you know I still love you, here are a few free pretty girl galleries that have been sitting around my inbox too long — I like Nika, Gabriella (pictured above), Melissa, and Jolly Corn. Oh, and this gallery of Madison Young dominating a guy (hardcore!) is really hot too.
Oh baby… I’ll be revisiting that Gabriella’s page fucking nonstop because of my raging fetish for the Rae Dawn Chong/Scary Spice frizzy hair. Big thanks for that link!
What do women with hair like that prefer for it to be called? Really, to me, it’s frizzy. But that word is very negatively loaded. And I gotta figure out a euphemism, ’cause that kind of hair is my number sexual turn-on on earth.
@ Tim Buchheim
At the AIDS Walk in Golden Gate Park, fucking no one’s iPhone worked anywhere in that whole Park.
I was in the bay area last week, and I was horrified to find out how bad AT&T’s coverage was, it was largely unusable between Palo Alto and San Jose… I bet most Apple employees have pretty crappy AT&T coverage… (On the other hand, once you’re north of the bay, it’s pretty good. I was amazed at how often I had five bars of 3G in Sonoma county.)
Luckily for me, AT&T is much, much better in Los Angeles. Hopefully it’ll get better up north as they start rolling out their network upgrades.