Image by netik.
I feel like I’m still just waking up. And I’m having a moment of writer’s block, so you’re stuck with me being unfocused in a wonderful variety of media distribution formats. It is, as a friend just messaged me, like “being caught in a pornado.”
From a close friend: the email that turned my nose into a coffee shooter:
“Did you know that [failed porn company we used to work for — copywriting and marketing — and hated with a white hot passion] comes up as a business in Google Maps?
(he helpfully provides a link to such a map, and I laugh so loud it scares the cat)
Commentators are decrying the loss of investigative journalism jobs – the field is dying – but what does this mean for sex reporting, since no one ever seemed to do investigative reporting about sex issues in the first place?
OK, I’m now going back to my panic attack and the ripe wallow of despair, either that or I’ll go write some forced feminization porno. Is it too early to start drinking Scotch?“
Also, another close friend just got back from Spain, and shot some gorgeous images of the Museu de l’erotica in Barcelona for me to share with you. Apparently it wasn’t off the charts amazing but the pics are fantastic: more after the jump.

Image by netik.

Image by netik.

Image by netik.

Image by netik.
*Love* the Museu de L’erotica in Barcelona. It’s a pretty small museum, but my partner and I spent hours there. Great archive.